Chapter 9

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That night, I had a nightmare. I was standing on the edge of a cliff, facing everyone. Dad, Mom, Daydra, Duncan.... even JJ. They stared at me with cold eyes.

My mother spoke up, "Your a disgrace, Ellie."

Dad glared at me. "I wish you weren't our daughter."

Duncan looked at me with pity, "Why do I still have to look after you?"

Daydra clenched her jaw "Why are you so gloomy? Your just bothering the rest of us!"

Jj was the last one, tears streaming down my face I looked at him,which i probably shouldn't have. "Who could ever love a freak like you?"

One by one they lit up in purple flames as they screamed in agony, no matter what i did i couldn't get to them. Dropping to my knees i covered my ears and sobbed.

I sat up in bed, breathing hard.

well that one was new.

I missed my happy dreams, but i knew there wasnt going to be any, not today.

I went over to Daydras room and flicked on the light, asking her to get up. Every year the anniversary of our Moms death that we stayed home, but last night, Daydra said that she was going to school instead. I couldn't stop her, so I went back to my room and sat on my bed, carefully brushing my hair and putting it in a messy braid. I carefully took off my shirt and rolled back my shoulders, letting my wings stretch out. My wingspan 10 feet, and god it felt good to stretch them out, I sighed and looked at them in the mirror. They kinda looked like light green bat wings, but tougher and not see through. I loved how they looked though, light green at the top, fading to a greenish yellow twords the bottom. On the outside, deep green scales covered them like armor. I sighed, slowly folding them back up against my back, letting them almost disappear against my skin. As i went to my closet, I put on my black skinny jeans, boots, and a sky blue sweater, my moms favorite color.

I could almost hear her voice, "people need to get off their phones and look up once in a while, before something good passes them by." That's why most days at the park, or even at home look at the clouds, or the stars. I was happy when I got my wings because It meant that I could fly with them. Silly huh?

"Ellie?" I looked back to see Daydras head poking in. "Im off to school... be careful ok?" 

"You know I will Day, see ya later..." She bit her lip before leaving, I hate it when the others worry about me. I'm not stupid, i know how to take care of myself.

I sigh and look out the window, seeing the sky turn to pink and orange. Beautiful. One foot in front of the other I walk downstairs, get a glass of juice and chug it down. I wasn't very hungry for once.

I grabbed my bag and headed out of the house, heading down the street. five years ago my mother died. She was still young, and she never deserved it.

I spent the next few hours walking around town, even buying some flowers, (pink lillys to specific, but ya know, whatever.) I walked through the park, just letting my mind wander from my mother, to other things. I couldnt help but feel jealousy as i saw a woman, her husband and a little boy. He laughed as his mom pushed him higher on the swingset. If only I had that again. I've always known what i wanted to do what my life.

I wanted a family.

I dont care if we end up having a small home. I would never tell me children to hide thier gifts, I would love them.... but thats so far away.

I bit my lip as my thoughts trailed on Jj. Thinking of him usually made me blush, and feel a flutter in my chest. But I know he would never look at me the way boys look at the ones they love. He would just end up someone who walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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