First meeting with women from Dom Mamy.

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To personalise and activate our first intake and session of Khanum club in August. The Khanum club team went to Dom Mamy, and had a discussion session with the women we are preparing to educate. This was detrimental to properly curate the programme, as our first drafts of the programme topics were too complicated and did not match the women's wants from this programme. We have thought about including topics such as investing and maintaining a stable income through investments. But after we got together we had to completely change our programme, but more on our programme in a seperate post.

After talking with the women of Dom Mamy, we had collected information on their current status and debts, what do they want to get from this programme, what time's of the day would you prefer, do they need personalised financial journals that we will give out when the programme starts for them to manage their finances easier.

The topic that occured most were about MicroZimes, are small loans of money that don't come from the bank and they are given for a short period of time, and the colossal difference is that the interest rate is much higher so it is impossible to live with them for a long period of time, a woman who we talked with told us her loan money grew from just 10,000 tenge which is 20 dollars to 55,000 tenge which is 115 dollars.

Because Dom Mamy is a center for women with small kids, a lot of the women faced the same issue, how to have an online job and how to not fall prey to scams, as 1 woman did fall into a scam and did not receive her money, and they sometimes do not fit the criteria for an online job, as they most of the time center around, SMM, virtual assistant, and due to their low education level, they are stuck, though one woman did take on a SMM online course, but she failed to find a job with it because she did not know how to apply for a job, and her chosen platform was facebook, she posted her certificate and status that she is searching for a job was through a social media platform rather than an agency or applying via a company's website.

Housing market, was a very important topic for these women, as the legal stay at dom mamy is several months and they cannot have grown kids at these centers, so when their kid grows or when their stay at dom mamy comes to an end, they are left with their kids and they are unable to find a home, and living with family members is usually not an option for them, due to broken bridges and possibly the family may have chosen to disown them for any reason. So their concern was circling around how to find an apartment, for a low price e.g through a website or through agencies,  how to read legal documents regarding their future homes to know their financial rights within it.

As you can see the women who are at Dom Mamy face a lot of the same issues, which may be counted as necessary living standards. They are women who face a lot of mental and physical prejudice so they are also psychologically not ready to face the outside world and also lack basic knowledge. But it's our mission to help them and educate them and we take upon this mission with utmost seriousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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