Youre my favorite person

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As the bell rang, I sat up, looking around. I'd fallen asleep in class again. It's been happening, which has been causing my grades to fall slowly. Slowly, but surely. I sat up as everybody began cleaning. I picked up a broom and began sweeping, talking to my classmates as I did so. Akito should be over as soon as everybody is finished, so I'll wait. I heard some talk about drama, but that hadn't really interested me. The talking and cleaning went on for fifteen minutes, before it was time to go. I talked to one of my classmates as I waited for Akito, and after a few minutes, they asked why I was even there. I told them I was waiting for Akito, and, for whatever reason, it turns out he was at the park. I thanked them, and then made my way to the park.
Upon walking up to the park, I noticed a small crowd, mostly people from our school. Akito was in his normal clothes rather than his uniform, which meant... he really did leave me. It'd been around fifteen minutes, which means he immediately left once the bell rang. Why did he leave me? That shouldn't be my main concern. There was laughter coming from the crowd, and I walked forward, which was when I realized Akito was fighting with somebody. It wasn't somebody from our school, he was older than us by a few years. They weren't in a physical fight, thank god, but I was still extremely concerned. I walked forward, pushing through the crowd. Once I got a clear view, I saw that the two were close. Very close. The fight would probably advance to a physical fight soon, and everybody just stood and watched...? No, that's not right. I ran back, sprinting home. I needed to change and then back Akito up. Once I reached my house, which took around 6 minutes, I immediately changed. This took too long. I wondered if Akito was alright, and immediately rushed out. I ran faster, it couldn't take another six minutes, anything over ten minutes wouldn't be acceptable. I don't know what's happening, but I know that Akito may be in danger. I made it to the park in four minutes, and was relieved to see that the situation hadn't escalated much at all, but I did see broken glass on the ground. What the hell happened? Glass? I pushed past a few people, trying to do it politely, which is when I could hear laughing. As I was pushing through the crowd, I guess two other people joined the person Akito was fighting, and they were all laughing. Akito looked angry, clenching his fist, but keeping them at his side. "What happened? What's going on?" I turned to the person next to me, who just shrugged. "I dunno. When I saw this happening, I just walked over and two guys are fighting. Orange hair is at a reallll disadvantage though. They're trying to physically fight him, but they won't throw the first punch. The other guy is just picking random people from the crowd that look tough to back him up." I stayed silent, watching. This wasn't fair. I wanted to move, and to stand next to Akito, but I was scared. It wasn't until Akito raised his fist that I yelled at him.
He looked at me, immediately recognizing my voice. He lowered his fist, standing back straight. I immediately walked forward to him, before turning to face the other people in front of him. "What's going on? If something happened, I'd like to apologize and handle this in a more calm way, please." I spoke clearly, making sure the other people understood that I was more of telling them than asking them. They looked at eachother and scoffed. "Hey, I'm sorry, but if we got this far into a fight, we're not gonna back out now." Akito seemed angry. Genuinely angry. I don't know what they'd mentioned, but it seemed like the person in front of him had known him, it wasn't some random fight, that's for sure. Akito turned to me. "What are you doing here? Why are you here?" I ignored him, before moving in front of him, that way he couldn't get hit if it escalated. "I'm going to ask you guys again, could we please just discuss this calmly?" Akito didn't say anything, and the other people just looked at us with their arms crossed. "If you guys aren't willing to talk this out the way I'm asking, we'll be leaving." They said something, but I ignored them and grabbed onto Akito's arm, walking away with him. He didn't say anything, but I know he was still mad. I walked to my house, then to my room so we could talk. I wanted to know what happened. "Who was that? Why were you so mad?" He ignored me and looked to the side, crossing his arms. I stared at him. "Akito, answer me. Stop ignoring me, you could've gotten hurt." He didn't answer. I sighed. "Are you mad at me?" He looked up and the back down, shaking his head. I sighed, relieved. "So why didn't you wait for me? And you're ignoring me, did something happen?" He sighed, before looking at me. "No, nothing happened. People told me that somebody wanted to fight me after school at the park, so I left when we were supposed to be cleaning to get changed. I knew it wasn't physical, but I didn't want to get you involved. If I walked to your classroom, they'd catch us both walking, and then you'd be involved in the fight." I frowned. "Akito, don't go into that so willingly. I was worried. I thought you'd get hurt." I hesitated. "It must've been serious though. For you to get into such a fight and be angry about it afterwards? What happened?" He sighed. "You seriously better not tell anybody. I'm trusting you. The guy that I was fighting was apparently somebody who met Ena online. They got into an argument over something and it got to the point where he was telling her to fight him. Not only that, he did hella digging on us and found not only her group, but Vivid Bad Squad. He started insulting both of our music. He said she was being lazy for making music online, and that I thought I was cool for being in a group like this. I don't know how, but it escalated to all of us fighting online for a while, then it escalated to real fighting." I frowned. It was believable. I was just worried now. "Do you think this'll happen again? And I know you mean well, but next time you don't have to leave without me." He leaned back. "I'm not sure if it'll happen again, and I'm leaving without you because I don't know if it'll turn physical. I don't want you to get hurt because I care about you. As your partner, I should be trying to help you, and getting you into fights isn't helpful at all." I crossed my arms. "If we're going by that logic, as your partner, I shouldn't just watch as you get into fights." He stayed quiet. I didn't want to pressure him to talk, but I really wanted for him to keep out of a situation like this. It's not like him to get into a fight this easily. "Sorry." He hesitated. "I don't know why I did that, I won't get into a fight again." I smiled, at least he said he wouldn't. Even if it was a lie, he reassured me. "I believe you. Please be more careful though. If you were to get hurt..." I frowned, then shook my head. "I don't wanna think about it." He smiled. "It's reassuring to know someone cares about me as much as you do." My frown turned into a smile. He rarely said things like that, but it wasn't like he never said it. It was nice to hear stuff like that from him. I think I like Akito. I'm sure I've known for a while, but I've never really sat and thought 'yeah, I like Akito.' I've just accepted it. It wasn't a big deal to me. Maybe when I first realized I did it was, but now that I'm so used to it, it doesn't seem like a big deal. I've felt like this for a very long time, and yet I've been too scared to say anything about it.


Once I told Toya that it was nice to hear him say that, I felt kind of embarrassed. Sometimes I spoke my mind without even thinking, and that's exactly what I did there. It happens often, but it was still embarrassing when it did. We talked for a while, before we fell tired. We'd been talking for a few hours, so now we were just laying down, and I wanted to bring something up. "People who believe in true love sound pretty dumb. But so do people who don't believe in it." I tried to bring up the topic without actually bringing it up. Smart, I know. But Toya kind of laughed at what I said. "What does that mean?" I shrugged. "I mean, you can be in love with somebody and then think it's true love, but if they don't love you back, is it really true love? In my opinion, I gotta experience true love for me to believe it." Toya stayed silent for a second. "Doesn't that mean you'd need to date somebody? I mean, even if you do, there's no telling it'll really last. I guess you can think something is true love and be wrong." I laughed. "True, true." We spoke, and I don't know why, but I really wanted to tell Toya how I felt. I felt confident, but I was scared. I don't see how somebody like him could be into someone like me. I'll have to ask Ena about it, she's written a love song or something... something about edating? I dunno. I only know the title is like 'phone love story' or some shit. If she likes a guy, she should be able to tell if I have a chance with Toya. But he's just so calm and easygoing, I don't see how someone like me would fit his standards. Hell, I'm not even sure he'd like men to begin with. He's so perfect, like a prince. I could totally see him as a prince.

The prince always ends up with the princess. It's never the prince ending up with the knight, or anything. Maybe we can change that. Or maybe we'll stick to the same rules, and he'll end up liking a girl. Would it be a good time to ask him his sexuality? I feel like that'd be a dead giveaway I like him... maybe I'll get An to. But then she'd know I like him... but it's still a way to get him to say it, right? Doubt there'd be any misunderstanding, because, how can you look at An and picture her with a guy? I sure can't. Kohane on the other hand? I never would've imagined her with a woman, especially not one like An. I mean, they've been on a date before, sooo... maybe me and Toya do have a chance. I can't get my hopes high, though. But I should start making my moves. "Toya" he looked at me, confused. "What happened? Why do you sound so serious all of a sudden?" I hesitated, hoping i wouldn't sound too obvious. "Thanks, and im glad I met you. I'm pretty sure I rarely thank you for things like this, but thanks. I'm seriously glad that we're friends, and thanks for always making sure I'm alright. Sorry if it's annoying, and sorry if I annoyed you today by pulling you into that fight." He stayed quiet, before smiling. "It's not a big deal. I'm glad I met you too, you didn't annoy me when I joined that fight. I was worried, so I joined with my own will. You don't annoy me, you're my favorite person, I don't think I can get annoyed by you." I laughed and thanked him, I was kind of flustered to the point where I didn't really want to say anything about that. I wanted him to say something cute or something, but I did NOT expect that.


Akitoya bc yeahhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon