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*Smack* Your tray collides with the lunch table lifting each leg you plop down onto the washed out blue seats. "What's your problem?" Your brother Dustin asks,with his thinking cap covering his curly brown hair, as he scarfs down his food. "Jason is such a dick! I can't believe I ever dated him." You shake your head and push the tray forward. Just the thought makes you lose your appetite. "Yeah that is pretty gross." Dustin teases and you shove him playfully. "Whatever geek, do you have Hellfire today?" "Yeah it might go a little late tonight, the campaign is going really well." "No no no you need to leave by like 8 I have to study. I don't have time to go back and forth." "Well why can't mom get me?" He asks. "She's picking up an extra shift so I'm all you've got partner," you say tipping an imaginary cowboy hat. "How about you just study at the school?" "Where am I supposed to sit in the hallway?" "I mean I can bring you out a chair," he flashes his pearls in a pleading expression. You sigh defeatedly. "Fine, but no longer than 8:30." "10?" "Hell no it's 8:30 or I leave your ass here! I'm pretty sure the school won't even let you stay that long anyway." "Fine," he shrugs and goes back to what little remains of his food. "Where's your friends?" Looking around you realize it's been a few minutes and you two are the only ones at the table. You then hear a commotion behind you. Both swiveling around you see Jason pushing Eddie into the cafeteria line. Your eyes widen and you begin to stand up. But before you can even reach them Eddie jumps at him and wrestles Jason to the ground. Both struggling you get second hand embarrassment. They looks so silly it looks more like play fighting than a real altercation. But the chances of Jason and Eddie playing is so very slim. The fight is quickly pulled apart by Jeff and some other teachers. Gareth grabs Eddie's shoulders and tries to talk him down. Jason brushes himself off throws his hands in the air to let them know he's alright and saunters off to his table. You pass by the boys and mutter "Lovers quarrel?" Continuing to walk by before you receive a reply.

The final bell rings and you rush over to the Hellfire club. Knocking three times and a smiley Eddie opens the door. One hand holding it open as he leans covering half the doorway. "Someone must be lost," he says with a wide toothed grin. He always thinks he's such hot shit. You roll your eyes and ask for your brother. "Come on in," he gestures. Still covering the better half of the door you squeeze your way through. It's tight enough that you can feel his warm breath on the back of your neck as you pass him. Walking over you greet your brother. "Remember 8:30!" You pull over an empty chair and find a quiet spot to set up. Hearing the bustling voices and feet funnel into the room you can already feel that this was a bad idea. But you push it to the back of your mind and crack open the textbook. "Okay MLK Jr, lay some knowledge on me." As the minutes turn into hours the shouting starts to get to you. You pack up your things and leave the room. "I told you that wasn't going to work, I TOLD YOU!" A member shouts. "Stop your whining we can figure this out if-." The door closes and you find yourself sitting in the the cool dimly lit hallway. You give yourself a break and open a book you've been dying to finish. Eyes glued to the paper you flip each page clinging to the words. A door opens and you hear footsteps walk over to the water fountain next to where you're seated. Feeling eyes on you, you look with a quizzed look on your face. "Can I help you?" You ask. "Nope just wanted to know what book you're reading." "Just The Shinning," you reply with your lips pursed hoping the conversation will stop there. "Oh, never took you for a horror fan?" His tone sounds teasing, he's egging you on. "Well you don't really know me." You blink at him turning back to your book. "Yeah I guess your right, I mean I know your Dustin's sister and you used to say that tool Jason. But I always figured you for the romance type-of genre." He reply's talking with his hands. "I feel like I should be insulted but I have read Tuck Everlasting like five times so..." you smile weakly. He smiles back and looks away walking backwards towards the door. Opening it slightly. "Hey to each their own. But have you seen the movie? Personally I'm a movie guy, seeing everything play out. THE ELEVATOR SCENE! Ugh the stuff of nightmares!" His passion reveals a quiet smile on your face without even realizing it. Opening the door the shouting travels far into the hallway he then winks and disappears behind the door. Your heart is beating so fast. You used to think he was such a loser, being held back twice and playing a children's fantasy game. But after that interaction you saw him in a different light.

You check your watch and read 8:27. Gathering your items you walk into the game room. "D let's go," you interrupt. "Y/n do you think I can get 20 more mins, we're so close seriously?" "I told you 8:30 and I meant it, you better find a ride." Turning around you leave and walk to the parking lot. Starting up your decrepit car, engine roaring to life you pull out the lot and head home. Rolling down the windows the weather is nice. Spring break starts today and a cool breeze cuts through the humidity of the night.

Walking through the door you see your slumbering mother try to stay up in her recliner waiting for her children's return. "Mom," you shake her gently awake. "Go to bed I'll wait for Dusty." "Oh no honey it's okay I'm not that tired," she tries to brush you off. "Mom seriously, get some sleep." You pull her up out of the chair and usher her to her room.

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