The meeting

59 7 2

Maico (Mai-co)

It was a dark night, no one was around they were sleeping. A figure in all black walked to the old broken tree, he was tall and walked with pride. He was the only one there until another figure in black walked over, he was taller then the other figure, by a heads distance.
The two men, bowed towards each other.
"Assassin" the taller of the two hissed
"Maico" the other one replied
"I came here to discuss the plan, is it going to accord? If it is not Kaine will not be pleased"
"Maico, do not worry the plan is going to accord, the kingdom will fall. And a new one will rise" the assassin laughed
"Good." Maico said
Maico began to walk off, the mysterious Assassin walked the other way.

What is the plan?

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