Amusement park•Part 8•

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Tae: Should we hangout tomorrow neet?😎
Neet: Ok but where?
Tae: Amusement park
Neet: Omg absoulately i love it gosh i am so excited
Tae: I am glad
Jungkook: can i come too?
Tae: No just me and neet
Jungkook:Is it a date or soemthing
Neet: No we are jusy friends and i don't want a realtionship yet hihi
Jungkook: Ok fine bye
Tae and neet: Bye
*The next day*
Neet: Gosh i am so excited for going with my crush aishh he is now my friend this is the best day of my life should i tell jennie about it
Neet calls jennie
Jennie: hey whatsup? You ok now bestie?
Neet: Yep and i am going somewhere with taehyung
Jennie: on a date!?
Neet: Nop we are just goona hangout
Jennie: ohh i am so happy for you bestie
Neet: Ok i am going to the park now bye bestie love you~
Jennie: Love you too~~
Kai: Who were you talking to jennie?
Jennie:To neet
Kai:Oh how's she?
Jennie: Great and she is goona hangout with tae today
Kai: Where?
Jennie:- Idk ask her
Kai: Fine can we also go?
Jennie: where?
Kai:- with them
Jennie: Gosh gime them some privacy
Kai:- Ok honey should we go to a date today?
Jennie: I am busy today can we go tomorrow?
Kai: Fine baby I love you♡♡
Jennie: Love you more bye..💗
Kai: Byeee
*At the amusment park*
Neet: Hi tae😊
Tae: Hi neet
Neet hugged tae he hugged her back
Tae:Where should we go first?
Neet: Let's eat something first i am super hungry i didn't eat anything
Tae:Ok gurll
Than they bought some popcorns and cocacola
Neet: Popcorns are the best
Tae: ikr
Neet: That roller coaster looks amazing should we go there?
Tae: i am kinda scared but ok
Neet: yeahhh!
After seeing neet's inoccent face taehyung forget everything
Neet: wait a minute we had school today?
Tae: No it's saturday
Neet: Ahh ok
Than they went to the ride and tae was super scared
Tae: Mom save me!
He held neet's hand tight making neet blush
Neet: Tae leave my hand
Tae: No i am scared
Neet: Aishh fine
Neet inside: Oh gosh he is so cute
After the ride ended..
To be continue.......

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