Episode 2 Part 2

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H2O Delirious: hello everyone we are back for another story so let us begin

*with YouTubon everything destroys the whole city with whole army and attack everyone and there Alastor battle them with fire and radio evil spell* 

Alastor: *laugh* this is an amazing and wonderful battle those army

*Stampy shoot arrow at every mods and their whole blast hit to the road*

Thunder bliss: *evil laugh*

Lighting Bliss: Thunder bliss how

Thunder bliss: *evil laugh* you think you get rib of me not this time and even for Aaron and speaking of him we alright got him already

*Sir Pentious hold Aaron neck*

Lighting Bliss: *gasp* Aaron

*at the castle the wall blast though here come Phaeton walk in*

Phaeton: *evil laugh* hello boys

Cody: uncle

Joe: what are you doing here we thought you

Phaeton: gone you thought i was gone you kings and that... owl guy

Stolas: I'm Stolas

Phaeton: whatever soon i will be taking over YouTubon and i'm be the ruler of the king in YouTubon soon you three will be doom

*then his solider break though the wall* 

Stolas: what going on and who is he

Cody: that our uncle Phaeton 

Joe: and he is going to take over the kingdom and now for YouTubon

Phaeton: that it corrects

*then dark lighting hit the middle floor and destroy the ground and whole city shaking up and dark shadow pop out and everyone run away and all YouTube heroes protect everyone then Professor drove his ship and land to the ground and everyone run in*

Professor: wait where Cody and Joe

Zill: oh man i think they are still at the castle

Blitzo: and even Stolas to we better save them

*then they come Cody and Joe with Stolas swim down right up to them*

Cody: don't worry we are okay

Zill: how you guys do that

Joe: we tell you later okay let get out of here now

*they run in the ship and Professor in the front sit and Steve from wildcraft controls the machine*

Steve: alright ready to go

Professor: okay Steve hit the green button Donny

Little Donny: *he push the green button*

*and the ship takes off and whole YouTube villains watch them leave*

Evil Ropo: we did it

Phaeton: not yet those floods have a plan to take their city back same thing Cody and Joe beat me down let see if those heroes stop us and now we have Rafe Cafe friends Aaron

*Aaron inside the tube trapped him inside*

Phaeton: *evil laugh*

*end of the story*

H2O Delirious: and that is how the story ends

Spam: um i have one question: we live here in the far away to our city

H2O Delirious: yep that how we end up here where we all safe

*Delirious and Spam look at everyone building their homes in the forest they are living their*


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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