The Happy Place

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                 January 14th, 2082

"I have never written a book before, let alone a story. Just like you, I myself have been through a lot. My story and life is a bit unique, lets jump into it. Shall we?
Let me introduce myself, my name is Vivian. I was born in the year of 2061. And as of today, it is January 14th, 2082. I'm 21 years old. I live in a little town in Newville, Indiana. Newville isn't a very big town, when I would walk around my little town, there wasn't much to do besides count things. There were five blue houses, seven yellow houses, three green, and six white. My house is a white-ish one. Well, it was white. Now its more of a worn down green-ish white. There isn't much in my town besides, houses. Most run down and abandon, as a kid I would sneak out of what was left of my window and find my way into one of the unoccupied houses. My mother told me to stay out of the houses in case of squatters, I'm not much of a rebellious kid but I just couldn't help but sneak out to go exploring. I didn't do it because I wasn't allowed, or maybe I subconsciously did. It was a get away. I could only do it during a full moon, where the moon's light bounced off it and dimly lit the ground which I walked, and my surroundings. My favorite house is across town. It's a one story blue house with a big hole in the ceiling where it let's the light seep into everything around me. I sit here writing this now. My page is dimly lit, so pardon me from any errors or"-

A loud clang sends Vivian up to her feet, the book that sat upon her lap was thrown across the room landing on the dusty old wooden floors. Her eyes fixated on the entrance where the sound came from. A figure of a kid emerged from the shadows, quickly identified. "Are you out of your mind! You scared the Shit out of me!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here Dee? You know you're not suppose to be here-" her shout of fear turned into a light whisper.

Dee smiled from ear to ear and a light chuckle escaped her mouth, "I followed you here last time. I noticed you weren't in your bed so I figured I'd go looking for you.' She picked up the book from the dusty floor and opened it, a few pages were ripped out in the front, she read, "January 14th, 2082, Chapter one... I have never written a book before-" she was cut off before she could read anymore, Vivian ripped the book from her hand. "Where did you get a notebook."

Vivian hugged the book hard, "That's none of your business, is it? Keep your nose out of my things." She reached down to pick up an old pencil she she was using to write with. She noticed the tip was broken before she stuffed it in her pocket. "What are you doing here, it's not safe." She gave her younger sister a stern look. She considered herself to be like a mother to her younger siblings. She didn't have a say in the matter. Their mother, though meaning well wasn't exactly present minded. She worked hard to make sure her kids were fed and taken care of to the best of her ability, but she was lost somewhere along the way.

"I followed you, duh. I could ask the same for yourself. You know mom doesn't want us out at night." Her sister looked up at the whole in the ceiling, the moonlight bouncing off her dirty blond hair, porcelain skin, and hazel eyes. There was a silence between them, Vivian looked up with her. The stars seemed to sparkle and hypnotize them, the moon sat so still and lifeless. Dee was the first one to break the spell, "so... What are you doing here? And where did you get the notebook?"

Vivian broke her gaze with the stars and looked down at her sister, "I just come here sometimes." She said with a shrug. "Usually to think, reflect, and I guess now, write. I know it's not safe- and mom would really freak out if she knew we were here." She looked down at the notebook, it wasn't very pleasant looking. The corners were all smooshed in and the cover was worn, the back was torn in half deliberately, not by her. The pages seemed to be water damaged and yellowed from age. She looked up at her sister once more, "I stole it from a squatter... I was poking around at one of the houses, his stuff was there but he wasn't. I just picked it up and left. Please don't tell mom-"

"You know I won't. That would be attempted murder... because I know mom would kill you." Dee laughed softly. "So you stole it from a squatter... interesting. Did you take anything else from him?" Dee asked, Vivian shook her head. "I see. I would've." Dee kicked an can that looked like it remained untouched for years, dust scattering in the air around it. It made a soft tink sound on the wall. "Well, I'm going back home. You have fun here writing your book or whatever."

"Well I can't write anymore, my pencil broke. So I guess I will walk back home with you." Dee shrugged in compliance and they left the dust filled room somewhat overtaken by nature with rotting leaves and some vines wrapped around the dull walls and hurried home sticking to the shadows.

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