Chapter 117

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"Why is your phone off?" Christian asked two weeks later, as I was sitting in the backyard enjoying the view of the sea. I looked sideways as Christian was standing there, wearing his chilling clothes.

"What?" I asked as he leaned in front of me and gave me a couple of pecks.

"Your phone. It's off."

"Daniel and Luther have been calling me non stop and I'm not bothered." I replied and he showed me a huge smile as he leaned forward and gave me a couple of more pecks.

"We should get back to Prangie soon." Christian said and I frowned looking at him as he sat down next to me on the bench and pulled me closer to him.

"Why? What's wrong with Gotar?" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Because soon you aren't allowed to fly anymore." He said.

"So?" I asked.

"The babies have to be born in Prangie. It's tradition." He elaborated and I stared into those blue eyes and fuck he was beautiful. "What?" He asked and I looked from the left to the right eye.

"Nothing." I said with a huge smile on my face. He put my hair behind my ear and he gave me two slow pecks.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked with his lips against mine

"I love your voice." I whispered and a smile transformed on his lips as he gave me another peck.

"I love your voice too. Let's go to Prangie." He said and I sighed immensely dramatically and he giggled.

An hour later we were in the helicopter flying back to Prangie. I put on the radio in our ears and Christian had a huge smile on his face, his one hand on my leg while he was doing his shit with the helicopter.

Christian and I had had a conversation about Luther in one of the days that we were together. He explained that he couldn't go into Luther, because he was the Leader king, and that was almost as disrespectful as going against the wishes of a woman. He elaborated stating that his fathers were very lose about that, but Luther was a walking rule book and he wanted it to remain. This was because he was secretly afraid to become like his father; that was what he was most afraid of. I obviously already knew this because Hugo told me that. He promised me he would only go against Luther in two scenarios; if Luther wanted to me locked up in Gotar for not talking to him, or if he would get physical with me.

For the past few days I had really thought about my relationship with the Kings and it was heartbreaking. Daniel and Luther had both broken my heart with the way they acted towards me at that breakfast table after the festival. My hormonal self, because I was a teenager, combined with my pregnancy, only made my rage higher. I had a plan though, I hadn't told Christian; but I didn't have to tell him, he knew what my plan was going to be. He knew that I would probably break his brothers hearts with my actions the upcoming time; because he understood how I had been broken. That's the thing; Daniel and Luther underestimated me. Christian didn't. I mean, yes, I was kind, and I was all smiles and shit like that. But I had a dark side inside of me. Not like Julia or Christian had, no. I was more into the mental games. Christian knew that and loved that about me. Daniel knew about it and we loved to outsmart one another. Luther knew about it and during the process it would be a game. A game of chicken really. To see how far we would go. We stopped the moment we knew we were meant to be together, but now I had planned to bring that back.

We landed after about two hours and as he turned the helicopter off, I saw the backdoor open and Luther and Daniel walking out.

"Incoming." I said to Christian and he turned his head behind me and he looked at me and he shrugged. I smiled as he climbed out of the helicopter, before holding out his hand to me and he helped me get out. Luther and Daniel arrived in front of the two of us and Luther looked livid, I could see that in his eyes. Luther, he had his pokerface on, but those eyes showed pure rage. Daniel wasn't as great in the 'pokerface' and on his face portrayed pure rage.

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