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Eventually, everyone finished their slushies and talked for a bit, until it started to rain.

"I think that's our queue to leave." Nancy smiled at Vickie, her new friend.

"Alright, see you guys whenever." Vickie grinned, her hair getting sprinkled by the rain.

"You guys really hit it off." Robin excitingly told Nancy, Steve already in the car starting up the engine.

"Well she is nice." Nancy complimented the girl.

"Agreed." Robin shot her a smile that gave Nancy chills.


Nancy starting narrowing to the back door of the car, Robin following on the other side.

"I thought you were sitting up front?" Nancy closed the car door, seeing Robin sitting right beside her.

"It's too uncomfortable up there." Robin could feel a white lie grow upon herself.

"I heard that." Steve pointed his head up, starting to back up.

Nancy gazed at Robin while she slept, her head perched on the window. Not only did the rain tapping on the windows calm the curly haired girl, but the way Robin slept, worry free.


"Nancy!" She heard Steve annoyingly say.

"Yeah?" Nancy calmly responded.

"You're at your place."

Suddenly, Nancy could see Robin immediately perk her head up. She looked back at Nancy, she wondered why Robin would jump like that.

"Alright, by Steve, Robin." Nancy smiled at the both of them, opening the door.

Nancy slowly walked up her driveway, feeling the rain drip on her.

"Wait." Nancy could feel someone grab her wrist,


"Robin?" Nancy asked, turning around to see the girl had caught up, Steve's car was already out of her neighborhood.

She could see Robin bite her lip anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Nancy furrowed her eyebrows, both of them still standing in the pouring rain.

"I haven't been able to get this off of my mind, it's irritated my mind for the past — couple days."

"What is it?"

"I've been wanting to ask, can I kiss you?"

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