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EVERLEIGH VALENTINE'S PAST WAS NOT SOMETHING SHE LIKED TO TALK ABOUT. It was was grim and dark. Something that made people squirm and wince when they heard about it. It made Everleigh want to roll up into a ball and die.

Nothing good ever came out of her past. Nothing good happened in her past. It was a dark void of shitty experiences that she could recite for lifetimes.

Everleigh thought her past was linked to Arizona, the place she had resided in for a long time. And in a way it was. She was born there, put through hell there, and she thought she would die there.

But the second Lucy Emerson, the mother of her boyfriend Michael, suggested that she could go to Santa Carla with them after she got divorced, she agreed.

She figured that the lively place would be the bright beautiful plot twist of the tragic book that was her life.

Little did she know that the plot twist would take place in the last chapter.


this sucks. I am well aware. But I unfortunately haven't had time to go back and edit any of this book due to the fact that I've been busy with other things. But despite not being edited I had to get this book out, I've been meaning to forever. So I am incredibly sorry for any mistakes :((

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