My First Quest

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A/n: Trigger warning. Mentions of character death, blood, kinda sentimental.

Y/n's Pov:

Chiron had insisted we talk about it in the morning, which was kind of like, Hey, your life's in mortal danger. Sleep tight! It was hard to fall asleep, but when I finally did, I dreamed of a life.

My life, just things I didn't know or remember.

I saw a bunch of Hunters getting ready for dinner. Some were cooking, some were setting up the tents, and some were just talking or doing other chores.

An almost eight-year-old, y/h/c girl skipped happily through the woods. It was her birth week after all, and she was ready to enjoy it.

"What are thee so joyous about?" Zoe asked the little girl.

"Being here," the girl said. "With the hunters, with my mum, with you."

Zoe stiffened. "I've missed thee, Y/n. Hunting is not the same without thee 'round."

Little me held Zoe's hand. "You know mum doesn't want me here."

Zoe sat her down. "Allow me to say to thou something. One day, thou shall join across a prophecy, and it shall explain everything. And when that day comes, thou won't feel so alone, and thou shall feel complete."

"Really?" little me said. "A prophecy? All for me?"

"Yes, my brave one. And if perhaps that day I cannot be there for thou, remember me, by looking at the stars."

"Why the stars?"

"Well because I love the stars."

"Zoe! Y/n!" Phoebe called from the fireplace. "Dinner's ready!"

"Coming!" Zoe exclaimed.

Little me turned to Zoe. "What are we having for dinner?"

"Hopefully something eatable."

Then the dream shifted.

A woman laid down on a mattress on the floor. She was surrounded by pillows and "Get Well Soon!" cards. 

The woman was young, she looked as if she were stuck between being in her mid-thirties and fifteen. Her y/h/c hair was laying freely on her sides, and her eyes had a fading gleam. Laugh lines showed this woman was happy and positive, but the paleness in her skin and lips showed she was ill.

The woman coughed harshly. She grabbed the bucket next to her and coughed into it. Blood filled a little less than a third of the bucket before she had to put it down next to her.

A hunter came hurriedly inside. I didn't recognize her, she must've died in battle or something.

"Liz," the hunter said. "How're you feeling?"

"Like shit, honestly," Liz replied with a wheeze.

"I'm gonna clean this up, 'kay?"

"Thanks, Olivia. You help me so much."

Before Olivia could leave, Liz stopped her.

"Can you call Lady Artemis and my baby girl, I need to - " Liz coughed. "I need to see them."

Olivia choked back a sob. "Sure Liz."

Moments later, a tired-looking Artemis came inside of the tent, a baby in her arms. 


She rushed over to the mattress, kneeling beside Liz. Artemis looked at Liz, desperation in her eyes.

𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬'𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 • 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘺 𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now