Finding the Cure

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Adalynn's Diary: keep out!

Day 10-

It's been ten days since the outbreak of the disease. Dad has been working really hard and he stresses so much. It is starting to scare me how much he knows about this, that we don't. I think he knows how this started, but every time I try to ask him if he does he dismisses me immediately.

I know my dad is trying his hardest to protect us from the crazy people, but hiding everything from us is not what he should do. I am sixteen, and my brother, Kaide, is fourteen. We are old enough to know what is going on. All we know is that it is coming from the animals, but where did it originally come from? I know dad knows, he just won't say anything.

Right now dad is getting supplies for the next week. It is very dangerous and he knows that. We were told that we had to stay home just in case there is something that goes wrong. He doesn't want us to be attacked by the infected people. When they attack you, it's like they are wild animals trying to kill you. It is truly frightening.

Dad has just arrived, but he is without the supplies. I know what happened. They tried to attack him, this resulted in him dropping everything and running. Some of them could have been his old friends, but they wouldn't recognize him anymore. It doesn't register in their minds, it's kind of like they don't think at all.

Day 18-

I found some of dad's notes, while he was out getting the supplies he didn't retrieve on his last attempt. It says something about the government, but what would they have to do with this? Could they be infected? Or could it be something worse? Whatever it is, I need to find out. I didn't keep the notes because dad would find out I looked at his things.

I have work to do today, and it is my first time, so my dad will be assisting me. I have to learn how to defend myself, which means learning how to kill. I will carry a gun and a knife on me at all times. I will be the backup plan if something ever happens to my mom and dad. I would have to take care of my brother and myself. This also means my dad is letting me in on his work.

My brother will be getting some training also. He won't learn as much as me because I am older than him, though. He will learn how to shoot, and the basics of the knife. My dad says that just because I am a girl, that doesn't mean I have to act like one. That is why I am learning so much more than my brother.

Day 20-

I have learned so much in these two days. Some things are surprising, and others I already figured. When someone gets infected, their brain mutates. It makes them act like animals. That's something I already had a feeling about. But I was completely shocked when I found out that the government created the disease.

The people that are supposed to be protecting us from things like this, created it. How bizarre is that? My dad is a part of the government, and he actually was used to make the disease. At the time he didn't know what he was doing. It wasn't until after the outbreak that he heard others talking about it at work.

Since he knows how the disease was made, he has made it his mission to find the cure. He says that it won't take long, because he already has what he needs. The hard part is getting it out to all of the infected people without getting injured. I am going to have to help distribute the cure once it is ready. That is another reason why my dad made me prepare myself.

Day 30-

Dad says the cure is ready, he just needs a subject to test it on. He is going out today to find a couple dogs that are infected. We will have to keep the dogs for three days to do tests. If they don't get better, then that means the cure doesn't work and we have to start over.

He found a German Sheppard, and a Chihuahua. He got two different dogs so that he will know if the amount of the cure given matters. We also have to make sure that the dogs aren't getting worse. That would not be a good thing.

Day 33-

The dogs are doing much better. They don't try to kill us anymore, in fact they act like a normal dog would. My dad said that this means the cure is ready to be given out to the people. We will be doing that in two days, so he has time to get it all prepared. We won't be able to give it to every sick person, which is where me and my brother come in. We will have to get rid of all the crazy people that don't get the cure.

This will be hard for us. Having to kill a bunch of people, no child should have to do this. Nobody at all should have to do this. It will also be hard because the rest of the government cannot find out about this. If they do they will probably kill us and destroy the cure. They haven't found out yet, which is good. But they could be watching us pass out the cure. Then they would find out.

Day 35-

Today is the day. The day I have to kill people just because there isn't enough of the cure to go around. I have my gun loaded and with extra rounds. My knife is in my boot so if has easy access. We will start with the west side of the country and make our way to the east.

We have already given the cure to about a thousand people, and killed more than I can count. We are now moving on to the next state. There we will rest, while dad makes more of the cure. Then we will distribute some more.

Day 38-

He's dead. The infected people got to close and they attacked him. I no longer have a brother. He was only fourteen and he was trying to protect our dad and I. I have been crying for an entire day now. My dad has tried to get me to stop, but it's not working. He can't do anything to bring him back. I just miss him so much.

Day 40-

I have finally stopped crying and so has mom. She got over it before I did, though. We are in Seattle, Washington right now. It is very dangerous here, because this is where the government came to hide out. If they catch us were dead and the cure is gone.

It's been three hours and there is no sign of them. I think we're safe but my dad doesn't. He knows they are still here. He knows what will happen if we get caught. We found an empty house and decided to rest for the night.

Day 41-

They have found us. We have to run now if we don't want to be killed. They almost got the cure from us. I think we lost them a while back, but dad says to keep running. So that's what we've been doing for a couple hours now.

We finally stopped running, but we know they are still out there. We can see flashlight in the dark night sky. They don't have any animals, though, that could sniff us out. That's a plus. We will have to leave tomorrow to another state.

Day 42-

They came when we were sleeping and they destroyed the cure. They brought us to this weird place where I know they will kill us. It doesn't smell good at all. It's dark so I can't see anything and I am alone. I don't know where my mom or dad is.

Someone came into room, and took me to another one. My parents are in this room and I know that this is it. They brought us here so we could have our last words. I tell them I love them and that they are the best parents anyone could ever have.

They released all kinds of animals into the room we are in. Right now we are hiding but I know it's not for long. We won't be here to remake the cure. Nobody will. The only thing that can be done now is... nothing. It's over.

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