Chapter 1 reboot guardian code episode 1

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There is a teacher who knows of the original guardians who protect the supercomputer and delete viruses from the web or the net.
The teacher was named bernadette winder and was guardian 453 aka the first human guardian who was taught by prime guardian turbo.
Also, her key tool is named nano.

She remembers the day that the daemon erase every guardian that she knew so she came back to her human world but hid her key tool and guardian logo on a laptop.
Now her students are just signing for her in room 000 and their names are trey, Austin, Tamra, and Parker.

They started calling her miss winder what is this?
Then miss winder went to her laptop and click on a file that had her key tool and her guardian pin.
Then she started to tell them aka her students about the guardians who were destroyed by a virus named daemon but now all of them aka the original guardians we're gone except her.

But now you are the second human generation guardian's like I was first human generation guardian said miss winder aka guardian 453.
"Wow "said her students Aka trey and Austin and Tamra and Parker.
"Yup "said, miss winder

So now enter the teleport and you will get your guardian's uniforms said miss winder aka guardian 453
They entered and they got their guardian's uniforms. Also, they got their key tools named proto for trey, glitch 3 for Austin, nano 2 for Tamra, and matrix for Parker.
End of  chapter 1

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