Chapter 4

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We already arrived at my room appartment for a while now and Nunew told us everything what happened to him today. Since the time he left university till the kissing scene in set, the brand owner, we are really happy he got it since it's a huge clothing line and he actually deserve it without a doubt. And also the part where P'Zee need to act very gentle to him when we pick him up.

"It's crazy to see him acting that way just because a paparazzi following the both of you. I mean hug is enough right? Why do he need to kiss you. It's obviously an act."

Nat said in a little bit of annoyance. As we sitting in the dining area. Nunew take the dessert in the fridge that Nat bought earlier when he arrive here. I stand and take plates and fork for us to start eating.

"I don't know too. He always good on acting and fans are actually fooled by his acting." Nunew said as he take a bite.

"Not to mention but not just fans are getting fooled. But also your new boss on brand and the people in your set. If we didn't know about this we can actually be fooled by his act." I said.

"It's also crazy when he act like very possessive to me when I just talking nicely towards Tutor. We didn't do anything wrong and yet Hia act like we are flirting when we actually not." Nunew said

"Tutor?" Nat asked.

"Ohh he is our classmate in research. Also we are group mates in our project." New explained.

When I heard his name, there's this thing that made me annoyed again. By just hearing his name as well as seeing his face, I can't stop but to feel the frustration inside of me.

"Oh I see. But why Yim suddenly looks like you want to beat the cake. If it is alive, you already murdered that. Are you mad or something about this Tutor?"

Nat said that made me realize that I hardly hold the fork and stab the cake nonstop that it looks like squeeze and being murdered.

"No I'm not. I just feel so annoyed when people around me talk about him."

Nunew let out a chuckle.

"Nat, remember the guy who bumped into him last semester? The one he told us that really a cocky guy? That's Tutor."

"No wonder Yim is mad. Ahaha"

"He's a cocky guy. I think P'Zee is better than him in some ways. " I said.

"That's not true. Tutor is way better than Hia. Hia doesn't have any good thing to remember of, other than he's talented guy. Other than that, his manner is a no for me."

"I haven't met Tutor but I can tell I agree with Nunu. You are just had bad acquaintance with Tutor but maybe sooner or later he will be as nice as what Nunu said. We have known P'Zee for a long time but what we expect from him at first still the same."

Nat said and I just sigh.

"If you guys only know what happened earlier. You will never say he is better than P'Zee."

"What do you mean? What happened earlier? You two met? " Nat asked.

I nod and take a bite.

"Wait, after you go back here. You go out again? I thought you don't have any duty on library today? Or you go out somewhere without telling us?"

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