Chapter 4

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Randy thought Ray was stunning in the moonlight. "Ray but on a serious note, yes I fuck with you and I know the gang does," Randy told the raven haired girl with a smile.

To Ray, Randy was someone that she felt safe around and comfortable with. "Thanks Randy, for everything," Ray stepped closer and just looked at his eyes he to did that then remember that the gang was watching them. "Uhm..." Ray said smiling then looking at the gang.

"So can we start the meeting or you to going to keep flirting." Curtis said laughing. "Oh you know I only flirting with you," Randy replied winking at Ray. Ray just rolled her eyes in response. "Roght, Randy Roght," Taco said giggling. "Shut up Taco, geez," Ray said giggling to then looking at the road.

"Ray you ok," April asked she know instantly that something was wrong. "I'm fine April I just- have a bad feeling," Ray told the group. Then she got a phone call.

"Hello this is Ray Mond," Ray said answering the phone running around.

Randy POV

"Wow Randy she is literally a mini you bruh," Taco said smiling. "Stop instigating," Mr K said looking at Randy. "Randy you know she's related to Yuno I don't know why that just popped up in to my head but it did," April said randomly. Everyone had a confused face. "No why she's related to Yuno she so different from him," Vinny told the group. "She is," April told them smiling. "She hot for being her brother," April smiled at the face Randy gave her.

"SECONDLY AT LEAST IM GETTING DICK," Randy heard her say so did everyone how was there. "Oh fuck who I'm I going to have to kill," April said laughing to herself.  April know Ray was always being hit on or a girl was jealous of her.


"Listen Dex there don't need to be beef between us," Ray said still running. "Oh shut up, you and your boyfriend both can go suck a dick," Dex replied. "First of all I'm not going to disrespect Randy like that. She said quickly. SECONDLY AT LEAST IM GETTING DICK," Ray yelled then looking at everyone that just heard her say that. And she know that that did know make sense but she went with it. And then she hung up the phone.

"Ray what was that," Autumn yelled coming out of her apartment with Garett right behind her. "Oh fucking Dex called me, and told me the shut up and me and Randy can go suck a dick," Ray told the group. "HUH," Randy and the rest of the group said. "Yeah I think I'm dead guys," Ray said looking at them all. "Fuck, Ray you are in danger do you want to fuck them up now or wait if they try anything on you," Randy said asked smile.

"Randy we can talk about it," Mr k interrupted them from talking. And if Dex is still bothering you Ray call any of us please," he continued with a smile.

"Thanks Mr K I appreciate it but why, why would you help me if I'm not even in the gang. I understand April because you guys know her a little better but me," Ray said looking at him then at everyone else. "Because your Randy's girl," Taco blurred it out smiling. "Huh," Randy and Ray blushed we'll saying that. "Excuse me what did you say Taco," Ray said smiling. "Randy and I are friends that flirting and that's all," Ray told him. "Friends," April excited. "You said that-," April cut herself off. "Never mind," She said again.

"April," Ray said smiling at her. "Shut up, bruh. Unless you want to expose you huh," Ray told her laughing. "Anyways Mr K, why," Ray said looking at him.

"You know why Ray Mond, even if you don't see it, yet." Mr K said smiling at her. "Well thanks Mr K so we are talking to them tomorrow right, I have nothing planned tomorrow," Ray asked smiling. "Yes deer, you all may continue with what ever you were doing" Mr k said smiling. "April we are shopping, Autumn CJ Novah and Mari are invited as well," Ray said smiling. "Novah and Mari are busy and CJ has a thing later," Autumn told her. "Ok so us 3 go," April said smiling. "Of course, bye boys," Autumn and Ray said jumping into a 4 seater. "Thanks Randy I'll text you tonight," Ray yelled as they left the cubby.

Randy POV
"Thanks Randy I'll text you tonight," Ray said before leaving. "What did she say," Ramee asked after they left. "And text you tonight what!!!" Taco and Curtis said at the same time. "My man, w's all around," Ramee asked giggling. "Fuck you, she meant it in a I'm fined kinda why," Randy said rolling his eyes. "Roght roght," The boys said smiling. "Let's go hit a bank or something," Randy changed the subject. "Fine," the boys said laughing.

"So you and Randy what's up with that," Autumn said looking at her. "Oh Randy is just a friend that is overprotective, flirts, and will help when I'm in trouble," Ray explained smiling. "I think your in denial," Autumn said smiling. "She in denial, your honor," April said giggling. "Fuck off and let's get so cute clothes," Ray said giggling.

Text from Dex
I'm watching you and your girls...


I want you...

Fuck you

Text Randy

Call me... now!!!


Randy, he's watching April, Autumn, and I
Yeah, I don't know what to do
Fuck were are you
I'll ping you, number

Hi hi, instigating as always when CG boys are talking to the girls. One Gunshot is so fun to write. A lot of everything is going on right now. I'm excited for the next chapter.

I hoped you enjoyed it <3

And so glad to be back!!!!!

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