Hoodie Boy

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Chapter 3

Joon's Pov

I walk towards the library, eyes focused on the tile flooring beneath me. Once I enter I glance up, searching for my new Economics tutor. In all honesty I don't need one, but my shitty father payed the school a shit ton of money to get me tutored so my grades stay high and I can become an 'amazing' lawyer just like him. My father doesn't even speak to me so why would he care. Whatever. If tutoring keeps me away from 'home' then I'm all for it.

I spot my supposed tutor sitting at a desk in a corner of the library. I sit across from her as she greets me with an enormous smile. "Hey! My names Julia and I'll be your tutor for this semester! You're Min Seung-Joon, right?" She extends her hand for me to shake. "Aren't you from South Korea?! That's so cool what part?!"

She's really loud.

"Call me Joon." I reach into my backpack to pull out my supplies, ignoring her handshake request.

I don't look but because of her sudden silence I can only assume she was taken aback by my cold tone. A typical response from most of the interactions I have with people. After a few moments of silence she finally speaks up. "What happened to your face? It looks like shit."

I slowly look up to meet her gaze and see her studying my face. "What happened to minding your own fucking business?" I look down so she can no longer study my cuts and bruises.

"What happened to not looking like shit in public". I look up to meet her gaze once more, poking the inside of my mouth with my tongue while I squint my eyes in thought. Contemplating whether or not I should roast the fuck out of this chick.

"Aren't you supposed to be tutoring me and not running your goddamn mouth? You don't even know me. So stay out of my business."

She shrugs. "Whatever", smiling once more before opening my textbook and beginning to review chapter one like nothing just happened.

Is this bitch crazy?



Our tutoring session is finally over and I am mentally exhausted from having to listen to Julia's high pitched voice for an hour.

As I'm walking out of the library I catch Mrs.Jisoo's eye. She smiles and waves at me. "My favorite haksang! How are you?"

"I'm doing well Mrs.Jisoo." I smile back as my heart grows warm. Mrs.Jisoo is like a grandmother to me. She comes off as cold and rude to others but she is an incredibly sweet lady. She gives me a place to stay when I'm afraid to go home and, like today, she's the reason I'm able to eat.

"Here, take this! I made you bibimbap and packed up some pork dumplings for you too! Just like home." She hands me the key to the storage room, her smile never leaving her wrinkled face.

"You're a blessing Mrs.Jisoo." I take the key and walk into the storage room. I place my bag down and sigh, staring at the meal before me. As soon as I sit down my mind begins to wonder.

Who the hell wrote that note and why the fuck are they in my business?
Why is everyone in my business today?

I take the top off the container, the smell of pork filling my nose.

Why the fuck do they even care if I'm hurt? Do they think I'm unable to take care of myself? I'm twenty for gods sake.

Homesickness fills my chest as I take the first bite of my meal. Though, the feeling is soon forgotten.

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