Chapter 81: Seventh Year Six ☾

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A/N: Heyyy


Hermione dropped down onto a couch in the common room, sighing.

"You finally finish that chore for Filch?" Luna asked, petting Crookshanks as the cat cuddled up to her.

"What are you doing here?" the head girl asked, mouth dropping.

"Hermione, that's a bit rude," Harry said, sitting next to his girlfriend.

"She's a Ravenclaw, Harry. She should be in her own common room."

"You're just cranky because you had a full day detention with Filch," Draco said, lazily flicking his wand to create sparks.

"It was my last day. He wanted to get his money's worth."

"He wasn't paying you."

The Gryffindor girl glared. "You know what I mean." She sighed, rubbing one of her shoulders. "Now that the month of torture is up, we can focus solely on Christmas." She smirked. "Do you two have a bet going to see who can get Siria the best present ever?"

"Do you?" Harry asked, brow quirked.

"I've started a pool. Lavender says it will be Draco. Professor McGonagall swears it will be Regulus." She shrugged. "My money's on Moony."

Draco scrunched his nose. "What does Regulus know about babies?"

"What do you know about babies, Draco?" Luna asked, cuddling into her boyfriend.

"That they crawl sooner than you think."

"She's standing now, actually," Sirius said, waltzing in through the portrait hole, carrying the little girl on his hip.

"Now we have to worry about walking?" the blond moaned, covering his eyes.

"Not for another few months," Remus said, following after his friend, carrying a book in his hand.

"Whatchya reading there, Moony?" Harry asked, eyes squinting to get a better look.

"I didn't read any of the baby books for Siria, because I assumed Sirius would actually think that becoming a father meant taking on responsibility and actually learning what it takes to raise a child…"

"A terrible mistake," Sirius smirked, "but continue."

"Now, Annie wants me fully informed on all that's going on baby-wise." The lycanthrope held up the baby book. "This one's on their first year of life."

Hermione opened up a book and turned to the correct page. "Have you told her about the possibility of the baby contracting lycanthropy?"

"Why would you like to know, Miss Granger?"

"I know how my one professor's daughter was conceived, my headmaster enjoys handcuffs, and my boyfriend's cousin has Hufflepuff negligee." She glanced up from her reading. "There's no such thing as privacy anymore."

"And that gives you the right to ask about such a touchy subject?"

"Someone needs to."

"She's got a point, Moons," Sirius said, sitting down next to Harry, allowing Siria to stand on his lap. She giggled and clapped as Harry tickled her stomach. "If you don't tell Annie soon, she'll find out another way."

"Yeah, like when her one month old turns into a werewolf," Draco said, turning the sparks coming from his wand blue.

"She's knows I'm a werewolf," Remus said, staring at the ceiling.

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