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Alyssa's p.o.v


I open my eyes with difficulty as sunlight streams into my bedroom and i stay there looking out the window, relishing in the peacfulness of the moment.

Knowing that I'll have to keep up the facade to my parents of being perfectly fine and having a perfect life.


I walk in trying not to be noticed my the mass of students in small groups by their lockers or just walking to class.I know that if i were to be noticed it would be the end of my shortlived peace as everyone knows the rumors surrounding my friendship with ,my friend or now enemy,crystal.

As i think that i take a small and tight intake of air remembering her words, the words which stung but unfortunately ended up being true and its proved as i see her walk in with Brett's arm around her waist while she's talking to Melissa.

I turn away walking to my locker,when suddenly David walks up to me "Hey,are you okay?"

And i look up at him with a plain look "do i look alright?"i say"it just gets worse every day.I cant believe she just left me so easily like that, like we were never friends."

He looks at my face searching for any sign of me breaking or actually showing my pain but he finds none.

"Lets just go."i say giving him a small smile that i clearly see he can see right through.

"Okay."he says grabbing my hand

We walk down the hallway together and i just can't seem to block out the whispers emerging from every little group dispersed through the hallway, the whispers criticizing me, my family, and anyone who even had a connection to me, everyone of them questioning how David even sticks by me still, that he should find someone better, that he'll be marked by my family's secrets as well, the same way that i am l, the same way i will be for the rest of my life if i stay stuck in this hellhole of a town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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