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Eye color change

⚪️🟡 - Beginners (eye color)

🔴🟠 - Manipulation

🔴 - Hypnosis

🟠 - Agility

🟡 - Shapeshifting

🟢 - Superhuman Strength

🔵 - Telekinesis

🟣 - Vision

🔥🟡- Pyrokinesis (fire)

⚪️🟣 - Telepathy

⚪️ - Healing

🟢🔵 - Animal Control

🟤 - Super Speed

⚪️🔵 - Flight

☁️☀️⛈🌧- Atmokinesis (weather)

⚫️ - Back to normal (normal eye color)

Supernatural Powers

Immortal - The power to recover from almost any injury.

Unnatural Strength - The power to exert great strength.

Unnatural Senses - Vampires have uncanny senses. They better sight, smell, hearing, taste & sense of touch.

Unnatural Speed - Vampires can move at faster than the human eye.

Unnatural Healing - To heal rapidly from any physical injury.

Flight - Fly without any outside influence.

Shapeshifting - Shapeshifting for a vampire can range from taking on the appearance of other people to changing into a bat.

Animal Control - Some vampires have exercised the ability to control animals; bats, wolves, rats, etc.

Telepathy - Vampires can sometimes read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or influence their minds/thoughts.

Telekinesis - Manipulate objects/matter with the mind.

Vision - Most vampires have night or heat vision but there have been instances of blood flow vision, the ability to see the flow of blood of any living being.

Atmokinesis - Vampires are able to control the weather within limits. They could direct the fog, summon a powerful storm, control the direction and the force of the wind, or even call down bolts of lightning to strike its enemies.

Pyrokinesis - Vampires have control over fire and can summon heat and fire with their hands.

Electrokinesis - Vampires often attack by projecting lightning from their fingers.

Superhuman Agility - Vampires possess supernatural agility they can nimble enough to scale sheer surfaces with amazing speed, vertically or horizontally. They can jump further than any normal human, such as from roof top to roof top or building to building.

Hypnosis - Through the use of hypnosis, Vampires are able to dominate the mind and will of a human by simple eye contact, soft speech or a simple wave of the hand.

That's all for now
I hope you enjoyed it
I'll send chapter one later today
Bye my zombies fans (Z-fans)

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