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~Y/n Pov~

Here I am standing here on top of the roof feeling life less. Of all people why me? what did l do wrong to deserve this? A single tear falls down on my already pale and tired face. 

Y/n: If you were never going to love shouldn't have play with my heart like this...

I took my phone out and made a phone call to him. I miss hearing his beautiful voice taking my phone out I dialed his number and heard the ring....after a few rings he answers 

???: Y/n didn't I tell you not to call me anymore? 

Y/n: I just wanted to hear your voice......Kookie....

Jungkook: (sighs) Y/ and I are over now I'm with Rose

~One Week Ago~

Here I am at BigHit entertainment, what am I doing here you ask? Simple i'm the girlfriend of BTSs "Golden Maknae"

Jeon Jungkook...

We'ev been dating about a little over about a year now... Our relationship has top secret to keep Jungkooks reputation image clean. No one knows about us, only the whole Bangtan family knows. Anyways I decided to visit him today, well because i've missed him so much.

I know he's been pretty busy but these days he's been ignoring me, no phone calls, texts, or video messages. I've asked the other members but they just keep telling me that he's been practicing extra hard that's why he hasn't had time.

Now I don't want to be that girlfriend but something just doesn't feel right, that's also another reason why I'm here. So without further a do l walk inside and started heading towards there practice room. As l reached the practice room I grabbed into the door knob ready to open but....

???: Can I trust you guys not to tell Y/n....

I recognize the voice, it was Jungkooks but what were they hiding from me?

???: Jungkook-ah...she's gonna find out sooner or later, don't keep giving her false hopes it'll hurt both of you in the end.

I don't like where this going at all 

Jungkook: I'll tell her soon...I just don't know how to tell her about Rose and I 

???: you want me to talk to her instead? 

This time the voice that spoke was a girl who I suppose is Rose

Jungkook: You don't have to babe, I'll do it after all its my fault

I could feel my chest tightening a huge lump formed in my throat tears already trickling down my cheeks. He called her "Babe"....something that he never calls me as they kept on talking behind my back I couldn't take it anymore and busted the door open. 

Y/n: Well isn't this a pleasant surprise 

They all turned around and looked at me with a shocked face, I stared right at the said couple. Seeing another girl hold onto the man you love with all your heart hurts so much words can't even describe it. Taking a shaky breath I asked the most dreaded question.

Y/n: H-how long....Jungkook

He looked at me straight in the eyes and said..

Jungkook: 6 months ago... 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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