Dating Peter Hayes Would Include...

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-In all honesty, Peter Hayes did not expect to fall in love when he transferred to Dauntless

-This guy had one goal, and it was to get to the top, regardless of who he had to cross to make that happen

-Imagine his surprise, then, when barely a few weeks into initiation, he's head over heels for you

-He tries his hardest to convince himself that what he's feeling isn't love, it's rivalry, maybe? Adrenaline over wanting to beat you in a fight? Something that isn't a schoolboy crush, please?

-Eventually, Peter has to admit it: he likes you, and there is absolutely nothing he can do about it

-Despite his constant cocky attitude, Peter is a terrible flirt

-His best attempt at romance is to lean one arm against a wall near you and say that your aim with throwing knives is, quote, "decent"

-And he still thinks he's smooth as hell

-In his defense, though, it does work out

-After all, Peter doesn't have to try at the things that really matter, like making you feel important

-At the end of the day, you feel safe with him, and in Dauntless initiation that's saying something

-The two of you have secret training sessions after the rest of the initiates have gone to sleep, just the two of you throwing punches until you're laughing through bruised knuckles

-Peter's hyper aware of you at all times, and if someone so much as even looks at you the wrong way, he's challenging the offender to a round in the fighting rings

-You'd best believe that if he's fighting for you, he never loses

-When he looks up from yet another victory to see you smiling proudly at him, he feels like he could win a thousand more

-It's you and him until forever, and even the hardships of Dauntless can only strengthen the two of you <3

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