Chapter Three: Jealousy?

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Kreek's POV

I heard Hoopie say something yesterday but I couldn't really make out what she said.
I decided to let go of it for now and went on my phone.


Hoopie told Tanqr that she was busy and had to do something important so Tanqr left her alone. In the meantime, Tanqr went to the bar.

"Hey Tanqr! Do you want to order something?" Kreekcraft asked Tanqr.
"Actually, I came here to talk to you. I felt a bit lonely." Tanqr answered with a bit of sympathy.
"Oh! Well, what do you want to talk about?"

"Hey, how about you give me your discord? Perhaps we can talk there." Tanqr asked.
"Oh sure! It's *insert Kreekcraft's discord here*!"
"Okay I'll add you."
Tanqr sent a friend request!
Kreek quickly accepted it.

From outside of the bar

"Ugh. That bartender.. I'll just interfere their conversation." Hoopie mumbled under her breath.

"Hey Tanqr!" Hoopie said.
"Oh hi Hoopie. Wait, weren't you doing something important?"
"Oh I already finished that. Can we hang out?"
"Sure? I don't really have anything to do anyway."
"Okay, great! Let's go."

Kreek's POV (sors for switching POV's so much)

I watched as they left the bar. I'm not sure why, but I felt jealous. Jealous that Hoopie spend more time with Tanqr. We barely talk when she's here. At least I have Tanqr's discord, we can talk there.

I brushed my feelings away and just went on twitter. (Yes Twitter)

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