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Picture this: You've settled down shortly after you defeat the devil. You and Julian are living the domestic yet adventurous married life, yet Julian just can't sit still sometimes. He just can't relax, he still feels on edge around the palace guards, he gets up unnecessarily early, very dependent on black coffee and etc., but he doesn't have to live like that anymore. He's no longer in hiding, and you're still trying to get him to understand it.

One morning you wake up to him in the kitchen, shakily preparing a cup of coffee and pulling on that cursed dramatic jacket he always wears. You sneak up on him and wrap your arms around his waist, feeling his whole midsection jump as you startle him. "Well hello there, dear. Did I wake you?" Hushed laughter escapes his throat as he gives you a chaste 'good-morning kiss'. You ask him where he's going so early, suspicion rising in your thoughts.

He tries to dance around the subject, which you're really not up to considering it's six in the damn morning. You know he wants to do his rounds about the city- like he usually does, to avoid the guards and visit family and friends. You cut him off, telling him that he doesn't have to go so early anymore. He isn't a fugitive, and he should stop treating himself as such. He sighs, ready to blame himself for about 15 minutes, or until you give in. But not this time, you decided.

This morning you were particularly stubborn, and would not take no for an answer. You tell him the countess's special orders she gave to the guards, which you heard while you were in the palace helping Asra move in. They were written specifically to give Julian comfort, and bring him back from the isolation and loneliness of being a wanted man. Before he could counter argue, you told him about the regulars in the Rowdy Raven- his 'second home' just a few months ago. How they all loved his presence, his witty remarks, his table shows, and even his drunk ramblings. If the rest of Vesuvia wouldn't accept him, they sure would. Still, he tried to change your mind.

You had one last point before you went to call Mazelinka on this drama king that you loved oh-so-much. You cupped his face behind his ears, looking deep into those endless silvery eyes, admiring how they looked like a cold, deep and endless ocean willing to envelope you in their love forever. You lowered your voice, speaking to him and him only, "If nobody in Vesuvia, Nevion, or this entire damned earth wanted you, always and I mean always remember this: I would still adore you. I would chase you to the ends of this earth until you realize that I love you. I want you. I need you, and so does everyone here, my love. And if Maz has to beat that thought into your silly head, so be it."

That smile spread across his lips, and it was like a thousand stars had just brightened up his face in front of you. Obviously, you kissed him. You kissed him like you'd been soulmates in thousands of past lives, like you knew every atom inside him. He ran his long and lanky fingers through your hair and settled on your back. When he parted for air, you took his coffee cup and smiled mischievously. When he reached for it, you only ducked. He gave in and wrapped his arms around you. And that was when you received the answer you had been searching for.

"I guess we can stay in today."

You kissed his cheek and pointed to the coffee cup with your finger, "Look." As the small blood vessels in your finger began to glow, the strong and dark scent began to grow sweet and fresh. The color changed from endless black, to a cozy brown. "I hope you like mint~"

You share a laugh and make your way to the balcony of the shop, looking out at the sunrise.


Author's note:
I thought ab this while drinking mint tea, talk about inspiration 😻😻

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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