Part 24 - The Desire

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.....The little rabbits stared in awe at the two unfamiliar figures in the tranquil forest. One wearing a black cloak and another one wearing a white one. Its little ears went straight as it saw one of the figures looking at him with sparking stars inside her eyes. Slowly, that girl walked toward one of the little yellow bunnies and handed out a carrot with a tender smile. The bunny sniffed and approached the girl hesitantly. As it sensed no danger, that rabbit quickly snatched that orange carrot and ran away receiving a lovely giggle from the Hyuuga while another person just stared at her silently. 

Hinata: "I'm starting to doubt this is a mission Sasuke-Kun." She said sweetly after taking off the hood of her mission cloak. Her soft hair swayed a little with the wind while Sasuke just closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air that carried her feminine scent. 

Sasuke: "I don't know what Kakashi is thinking when he gave us this mission." Sasuke scoffed and said with annoyance after imaging the fake smile under his sensei's mask. Early this morning, they received a scroll and were summoned to the Hokage office for an important mission - hunting down an unknown group of skilled ninjas at an unknown location. 'So much information.' Sasuke thought sarcastically. 

...He felt irritated because he has no idea where to go and find them or know their strength or weakness which means he can't prepare. Sasuke is a diligent person when it comes to missions and he likes to make no mistakes. Although he pushes himself to the limit and sometimes takes dangerous risks...

Hinata: "I think he believes in your strength enough to give you a dangerous mission like this Sasuke-Kun. We don't know what we are walking into so." As usual, her soft angelic smile managed to silence Sasuke as well as his annoyance. he just sighed and nodded.  Anyway, they were given a mission and it's their duty to accomplish it. He should be grateful that Kakashi at least knows they were spotted near the land of snow. 

Hinata: "This is very beautiful it?" She said in amazement to see the clear liquid falling down from a high place and crashing into the large stones on the ground. The water roared and flew down at a powerful pace rubbing against the gigantic rocks but it became slow and peaceful when it hit the bottom. It's amazing, isn't it? Colourful fishes swarm around the bottom of the lake happily while eating the healthy seaweed that is sprouting naturally. If only people's souls were this beautiful... 

Sasuke: "Wanna see something more beautiful?" His lips curved into a faint smile looking at Hinata with gentleness. Hinata nodded enthusiastically and her amethyst eyes glittered. Following Sasuke who lead the way leaving his cape swaying left and right, she found herself smiling. As she looked at his board back, she was reminded of a black panther. Reserved, alone, mighty, graceful yet deadly and dangerous. One wrong move... you will find yourself being pierced by him. 

Sasuke: "Are you afraid of height?" Hinata gulped down her saliva nervously. A ninja must not be afraid of height... but after having nightmares about falling from a clip, she is afraid of height. 

Hinata: "A little bit." She whispered weakly being embarrassed that she is a coward. 

Sasuke: "The view is more beautiful when we look from above." Hinata pouted, sad that she couldn't experience something Sasuke remarked as 'Beautiful.' Suddenly, her body was lifted like a feather and her soul almost jumped out of her body. A sturdy arm supported her shoulder while another one lifted her under her ankles. A familiar mint scent danced around her nose as she accidentally leaned against a masculine chest. She found her arms wrapped around his neck feeling the softness of his spiky hair. SASUKE UCHIHA WAS CARRYING HER BRIDAL STYLE!! 

Hinata: "S-Sasuke-Kun." She stammered while she felt the tips of her nose and her ears heating up intensely and not to mention the blush on her cheeks that has the colour of a tomato. Sasuke just looked down at her amused while he felt thrilled unlimitedly to carry her like this. He has never been this intimate with a girl and he was glad that Hinata was the first one to be in his arms. 

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