The 9-tailed beast

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A young boy was walking through the forest. He knew he was not welcome into the village, but he couldn't just leave either, so he stayed inside a forest in the village. He was only 4 years old, and for the 4 years of his life so far, he's been nothing but hated by everyone. He always wondered why everyone hated him and hoped to one day be able to fix it. What he didn't know was that it was because of a seal on his stomach. He was to be bound to a nine-tailed fox until death, storing his powers inside of him so he couldn't do much to anyone unless given permission by Naruto. When he died, the nine tails powers will be released into the world unless the seal was given to someone close to him before he dies.

There were many reasons why they chose to avoid him instead of helping him. Like, if he did know about the tailed beast, there's a chance he'd use it against them all. If they got too close to him, there's no telling who'd he give the seal to. If no one ever taught him what it was, maybe they all could continue to control him. He was nothing more than a monster that they use for their own entertainment. In reality, they didn't know much about how the seal worked. They all banished him and hated him, not knowing as much as they thought they did, because if they did...they would've been there to save the boy that day.

The young boy's name was Naruto. He had yellow hair that was spiked up everywhere just like the sun. He had pretty blue eyes that looked like the sky. He had adorable whiskers on his chubby cheeks. But all of his beauty was hidden from the world. His skin and hair were covered in dirt and dust. All he had on was a big dirty shirt he found in someone's dumpster. He had a few red bruises peeking out from under the shirt and darker purple and blue bruises on his arms and legs. Even though he was sad deep down, he always made sure to wear a smile on his face, trying to show everyone he was harmless.

He was practically the sun itself, but no one really cared.

So here he was, all alone and wandering in the big forest. He had been walking since the sun came up, stopping to rest every once in a while. He had lived in an abandoned house in the village, but people knew he lived there and would come to mess with him. So for about a year, he had been coming to this forest every day to walk around until the sun went down.

But by the time the sun went down this time...he had forgotten the way to go.

Usually, he'd remember. He always knew which way to go and for how long, but today, he just couldn't. He felt a pull in one of the directions and decided to walk that way. He was sure he was only getting more lost, but if there was even a chance of this being the way, he'd find it.

He walked for a long time, and he had already begun to question his decisions, but he soon came across a house. It wasn't a big one, but it seemed comfortable to live in. He walked closer, realizing that this is where he was getting pulled, but stopped when he noticed a glowing aura around it. He gently touched it, finding that it wasn't at all a danger to him, and continued on.

He wondered what such a nice house was doing out in the middle of the forest. Maybe someone wanted to be secluded from the village and built this out here. If that was the truth, it would be rude of him to enter without permission.

He knocked twice, waiting to see if anyone heard him before knocking again, but louder. Still no answer.

One last time, he knocked five times, and when he got no answer, he opened the door. He wasn't expecting it to open up so easily, but he walked inside without much of a complaint. He walked through the small house, seeing the way it was. On his left side, was a living room with a simple couch, a bookshelf on the side of it, and a tv in front of it. On his right side was a dining room, It was a six-person table with only one chair in the middle of it. There was also a door at the side furthest away from him, it was best to assume that was the kitchen. Right ahead of him was a hallway, so he went to explore that area. The first door on the right was another way to get inside the kitchen. The two doors on the right were bedrooms, but one just had nothing but a bed. Right at the end of the hallway was the bathroom. He never found anyone in any of the rooms, so he decided to see if there was a clue about it inside the first room, the one with extra items inside of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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