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Keeping me and Elliot's relationship private is easy I just cover his or my face

Im on my friend podcast they asked me a billion times to be on there so i caved



"This is Sam or Samplam how are you today"

"I'm happy to be here what about you?"

"I'm great"

"That's awesome"

"Okay we've all been wanting to ask this question, are you in a relationship?"

"Yes actually, I show them out a lot cause I'm proud to have them and their honestly pretty cool"

"Nice, so the topic of mental health is something you talk about a lot why is that"

"Because I have very bad mental health from trauma and stuff and talking to people and helping people distracts me in a way"


"We have to talk about your friends"

"Oh nooooo"

"We know who they are and they're all pretty cool"

"Yeah but they really get on my nerves sometimes"


"Okay so your friends Daichi and Aone what are they about"

"They did volleyball in high school and now Aone is a construction worker and Daichi is a lawyer and she's really good at it"

"And Todoroki And Ida?"

"The cutest couple on earth, Todoroki is now a preschool teacher and Ida is following his brother's legacy and is still doing hero work and being with his family"

"Awe that's so sweet"

"Now let's talk sensitive topics"


"And to anyone worried we have consent from everyone we are talking about even the small ones so yea"


"You have an eating disorder"

"Yea.. I think I've had one since I was five, it came in levels at five i thought if someone is looking at me when I eat they are disappointed in me for eating and that thought stuck with me in foster care when she died and now it's like all I think about"

"Sometimes that happens to me just like seeing food then someone just looking at you it's feels icky"

"Yea but my partner... Uhm when I have like really bad days I'm aloud to eat in our room but I'm not allowed the microwave or stove and I have to be monitored for most of the day cause I hurt myself a lot and my doctor says one more visit and I get a free revival"

"Haha! Okay now you had two of your kids in a bathroom at a family dinner"

"Yea Uhm it was at my home and at the time I had a really bad mindset and my water broke when I was bringing out dinner and I cleaned it so fast cause I didn't want my partner to be mad at me"

"For having a kid?"

"My first child with my other partner was a miscarriage so every single time I get scared the same thing is gonna happen to me and they leave me for not being able to have a kid"

"That sucks, but back to babies in the bathroom"

"Heh, then like maybe fifteen minutes I was fine then twenty minutes it started to hurt cause my daughter was pushing her head down and like it was pressure buildup and I was already sick so the bathroom was my first thought because it was the safest place to have my babies then I screamed bloody murder and my partner sprang to action Todoroki tried to cut the door down, and Ida had the idea for my partner to come in the bathroom window which was the only smart idea and my partner helped me have both the girls persephone i had her in the bathroom and Aphrodite i had her almost in the bathroom but we got in the car just in time for her to be born"

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