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🚨trigger warning🚨
implied depression and suicide.

dedicated to -magiclollies
happy birthday stinkalink <3


love, jimin <3 starring...

love, jimin <3 starring

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park jimin, 24

jeon jungkook, 24

jeon jungkook, 24

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kim taehyung, 24

kim namjoon, 25


"are you ready?"

jimin felt that if he spoke he'd cry so he just nodded at teahyung in response.

"it's okay to show your emotions, you know?"

"tae." namjoon shook his head.

"sorry." he said looking down at his hands, fidgeting with one of the silver bands that sat on his finger.

today would have been jimin and jungkook's ten year anniversary.

"it's okay joon, i know he's just looking out for me." jimin have a weak smile trying to fight back tears. he looked over his letter one last time.

dear jungkook,
i can't believe today is our 10 year anniversary! some days i still can't comprehend how we went from being "sworn" enemies in elementary to the best of friends in middle school and then lovers in highschool.

but i actually get it now, i was scared of the way i felt about you then. it was so scary for me because i was always taught i was 'supposed' to like girls. but there i was, head over heels for you. i know we were only in the third grade but i thoroughly understood my feelings for you.

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