Chapter 1

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I walked over to my locker and grabbed my books for History. High school is much harder then I thought it would be. Just think, I'm only a Freshman. The further I get into high school, the harder my work will be.

I collect my textbooks and notebook. I close my locker and lock it up. I head towards the History classroom, when I am stopped by Noah.

"Hazel, what's the rush?" he said laughing, brushing his bangs out of his brown eyes.

"Oh, hey Noah," I said smiling.

Noah Dallas is my boyfriend. You heard right. I'm lucky enough to be nine months into high school and have a boyfriend already. Noah is the cutest boy ever. He has brown hair that sometimes covers his sparkly, brown eyes. He is always so nice to me and supportive of my wanting to be a professional singer. He said my voice was beautiful.

"I just wanted to tell you that Jace was looking for you," he said.

"Jace?" I asked, just making sure I heard right.

"Yeah, Jace."

"Thanks, Noah."

"No problem," he said. Then he kissed my cheek and walked away.

I turned around and saw Jace by his locker.

Jace Norman is my next-door neighbor and best friend. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He always knows how to cheer me up and is also supportive of my dreams. Jace is a TV actor. He had a minor role on a TV show called "Jessie" when he played one of Luke's best friends. Now, he is the star of a TV show called "Henry Danger". I watch it all the time. It's hilarious! Sometimes Jace invites me over when a new episode is aired. I've had the opportunity to meet many members of the cast including Sean, Riele, Ella, and even more people!

"Hey, Jace," I said, "Noah said you needed me."

"Oh, yeah," he said smiling, "well, a new episode of 'Henry Danger' is being aired tonight. I love Fridays, am I right? Anyway, I invited the cast over tonight to watch it first air. I was wondering if you wanted to join them?"

"Why not?" I said, "it sound like fun. What time should I be there?"

"Well, the show airs at six," he said, "so you can come over at five! We can all hang out for about an hour until the show starts."

"Alright," I said, "I'll be there! Should I bring anything?"

"Only if you want to," he said, "we'll have snacks, don't worry."

"Maybe I'll bring some soda."

"That would be great!"

The bell rang loudly, interrupting our conversation as usual.

"Crap!" he said, "I'm gonna be late for class! See you at lunch!"

I watched Jace run towards the classroom. He looks hilarious, as usual. I turned around and walked into History class.

"Hello, Hazel," said my teacher, Mrs. Jones, "please take a seat."

"Good morning, Ms. Jones," I said, sitting next to Lillian, my best friend.

"Alright, class," Ms. Jones said, "today we will continue studying Ancient Egypt and Kush. But today, what do we call Kush?"

"Nubia," the whole class groaned.

"Ha," Lillian whispered to me, "NOOBia."

"Lillian, isn't that joke old by now?" I whispered rolling my eyes.

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