Goddamnit Noah

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              She packed the last of her things in a box, writing 'Books' on the side and taping it up. Her chestnut hair barely reached her shoulders, it was so tangled and messy it looked like she hasn't slept in days. She packed 17 years of her life in just 2 days. She sat in the middle of what used to be her bedroom. She looked around her room. Wanting everything back to how it was.

              "Hey, Cleo, are you ready? Dads waiting."  Noah asked, knocking on the doorway. He leaned against it, waiting for a response.

               Cleo sniffled, her nose was all puffy and her eyes were red. Cleo wanted to hide the fact she was crying from her twin brother. She didn't want him to give her a lecture on how moving is good for a fresh new start.

             "Yeah, just help me take this box." She said, tremulously. She couldn't hide her tears. Noah walked over to her. He sat next to her and gave her a hug.

             "We'll be fine," he whispered in her ear. "Come on." He stood up and extended his hand to help Cleo up. He grabbed the box and carried it to the car. Cleo looked around her room one last time.

             "Bye." She whispered.
She walked outside her house, getting in her dads jeep in the backseat right next to her husky. Shadow.

the 5 hour flight from Chicago to Vancouver was one hell of a flight, crying child and annoying middle age women who think they knew everything drove Cleo insane. her dad and brother however slept the whole flight. only good thing about it was she got the window seat. the car ride to their house, however, was amazing. they drove around Vancouver and saw many glorious views. Cleo fell in love. Shadow barked and violently wagged her tail every-time she saw another dog. once they finally made it to the house. Noah and Cleo immediately raced for their rooms. almost sliding down the slippery floors.

Noah won the race to the biggest room. but it's fine Cleo got the one in the basement. The backyard was big, like three school buses big. She stared blankly. They could barely afford their apartment in Chicago, so where did the money come to afford this?

"big, right?" Her dad, Trevor asked.
"where did you get the money?" Cleo responded. Trevor gave her a small smile and ruffled with her hair.
"debt was paid off, we can put the money to good use now." Trevor said.
"oh, that's good then." Cleo muttered.

Their mom had a gambling addiction, she bet so much money that they never had. She got arrested and left her family to pay off the thousands of dollars she spent.

"i'm gonna take Shadow on a walk." Cleo muttered and walked past her dad. She hated talking about her mom.

The house was at the end of the block, Shadow and Cleo walked around the neighbourhood, went to a close by park, she sat on a bench and watched people around her age hang out. She didn't really have friends. Only her brother and dog.
The walk back home wasn't eventful, just a squirrel here and there. Possibly a plastic bag flying around. When they got back on their street, Shadow turned to the house across from theirs.

"That's not our house~" Cleo sung. "it's this one, come on!"

"Cleo!" Noah said, banging on the door.
Cleo pushed herself up with her elbows, she grabbed her phone from her window sill and turned it on.

8:46 AM

"Noah! let me sleep! i feel sick!" She cried, dropping back on her bed.

"Is Shadow with you?" Noah questioned.

Fucking bitch.

"Noah if you lost my dog i'm gonna fucking murder you." Cleo threatened getting out of bed.

She put on her slides and left her room, pushing Noah out the way. Cleo ran up the stairs and to the front of the house. Thankfully, Shadow was across the street. Unfortunately, the neighbours were outside petting the puppy. Cleo ran across the street and to the house.

"Hi, i'm so sorry about my dog, i don't know why she did that." Cleo apologized, bending down to pick up the husky
"She probably smelled my dog, it's fine." The neighbour said.

When Cleo looked back up, she met eyes with him. His freckles face was smiling so calmly.

"I'm Dylan," he introduced.
"Nice meeting you, maybe we'll see each other later, i have to do schoolwork."
"Yeah sure, see you around!" Cleo said, she went back to her house with Shadow in her hands.

"Do you think he's gay? He's so cute!" Noah said pretending to twirl a piece of his hair.
"Stop being gay." Cleo scoffed and walked inside her house.
"Well stop being homophobic!" Noah mocked her.

Authors note: hi! welcome to the rewrite of Why Are You So Cute! if you see any spelling errors or any part doesn't make sense please comment and let me know! New updates every month! Please note that this story contains topics about eating disorders, self harm, sexual assault and more. if sensitive please find another book.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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