Prologue...Whats luck?

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I wake up in a room I'm not familiar with. 
The room was small, cramped even like it wasn't exactly a room, more like a closet. Soon the overlaying problem came into mind. I start to feel a want, a need to get out of wherever I am.
I need to get out of the dark and see the light again. As the feeling gets more extreme I start to move around in the cramped space.  Soon enough I bump into something and now I'm falling. 
The light fills my eyes so quickly that I need to close them all too soon.

Where am I?
Who am I?
Why am I here?

Those thoughts and more filled my head. I had very little to no correlation of where I was right now. I wanted to panic, to scream but it was like something was stopping that yell for help. Even if I didn't scream I still needed to get up. Staying on the floor wasn't going to do me any good.

I proceed to get up and dust myself off before looking around. While looking around I don't see much. It's a classroom, that's not too strange.

Did I fall asleep during a lecture maybe? Yeah probably. But then why was I stuffed in a closet? Probably just bad luck, or a stupid prank.

I continue to look around before seeing the windows. They were worse for wear, to say the least.

What happened to the windows? I don't remember them being like this. Right?

I head over to the window and peek out of it.

I'm on the second story of what I assume is a school. There doesn't seem to be anyone outside. But the sun looks like it's maybe a little bit afternoon. There should definitely be people outside right now.

I turn back to the so-called classroom and go back to searching for an answer.

Just how long had I been out for? Is it the weekend?! Don't tell me I slept for two whole days and no one ever woke me up! No, no that can't be. I know I have bad luck but that's too far.

Soon enough I see it, a small note was left on the floor. I go over to pick it up. After picking up the small note it feels like a bat had hit me over the head as a flash of memories takes me by surprise. I remember where I am now.

Hope's peak academy. A prestigious school only for the elite of the elite. I somehow got in with the ultimate title of ultimate bad luck. How did I get in with a talent like that again? Because I got picked but even then it still doesn't make sense. I've always had bad luck but for once in my life I got struck with a bit of good luck. But of course, my luck would run out eventually.

How did I almost forget about that? Going to such a school isn't something you forget. But something doesn't seem right. It's like a looming presence of despair is near.

Before I could think of anything else a buzzing sound could be heard emanating from somewhere. I search for where the sound is coming from before seeing a monitor hanging on the wall.

What's that? Why would there be a monitor in a classroom like this?

Before I could continue to question what was going on the monitor started to focus on something. When the monitor finished buzzing, there was a clear picture of a chair. No one was sitting in the chair it was empty before the monitor returned to being a static screen. What was different this time was a voice could be heard. The voice seemed obnoxious.

"Hello, students! Welcome to hopes peak academy. Or more like welcome to your new life. If you could please head to the gym for an announcement by your headmaster I would greatly appreciate it. Also, it's mandatory."

After the voice finished speaking the static on the screen disappeared to nothing.

This is still a work in progress yet support would be nice :>

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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