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Tahlia was up before sunrise, preparing courses for the apprentices. There were two other instructors, and three judges. Will wasn't rostered for anything this year, nor would he be for a while longer. Until Maddie was a silver leaf Ranger at least. Churning mud, arranging nets at less than knee height, setting up targets, for arrows and knives. Intelligence and navigation practice had already been arranged, always good to start preparation early.

The apprentices woke with the sun, the normal practice during longer days. They knew of these last training exercises that they would take part of before exams. This way the Ranger's would understand how everyone works the same and has equal expectations. It's also a test of the mentor, to make sure they weren't slacking in training apprentices with the essential skills. Mentors weren't allowed to judge or instruct, but would offer a summary of their apprentices progress. 

Maddie never liked getting up early, but was still lined up with the four other apprentices with time to spare. They had their weapons cleaned and ready. It's very important to take care of any Ranger equipment, no matter how durable it may be.

They began the day with a brisk jog up and across the ridgeling before returning to the clearing. Another instructor then supervised the obstacle course, the reward of completion being breakfast.

Breakfast was filling, to last until dinner if they had wanted. At Ranger Meets she was offended assigned dishes and camp-fires, others enjoyed cooking more than her. Although she was technically a Ranger level cook - excellent - others were much better. After breakfast she was in charge, practising the necessary horseback skills. The apprentices had already developed a strong connection with their ponies, and had learnt the basics, with a few more advanced techniques as well. Not every Ranger was a natural rider, and a lot of them only got be as good as they were through hard work and lots of practice. 

The horses lived a comfortable and healthy life, earned through their obedience and trust in their Rangers. Many horse were in the camp-site by now, and so Tahlia had the bright idea to incorporate them into their training. The other horses mimicked a herd loose from a paddock, or a group of wild horses. Both individually and as a team.l, apprentices practice directing them. Horses would occasionally dart out from the herd, at the direction of the Rangers, who had immense fun encouraging their own horses to cause trouble for the apprentices. Never enough of an order though, that the horse wouldn't follow the apprentices lead if they cut the horse off in time.

A quick break for lunch, and an hour to wander around camp and talk with both old and new friends. Tahlia finished washing up with a few other people, and drying her hands went to seek Will. She found him deep in discussion with Maddie, recapping to work she'd done that morning. Seeing Tahlia, he finished and allowed her to go find the other Ranger's. 

"Just the person I was hoping to see," Will gestured for them to sit on a log together, "I don't suppose you've heard anything about a distant prince's capture?"

"No? I presume he's not particularly important?" Tahlia wasn't too surprised by the idea of a kidnapping, and they rarely resulted in war. 

"You would think not, but if he's not there to inherit the throne his brother will. And that wouldn't be good for Araluen at all." Will continued before Tahlia could interrupt, "so Maddie and I have been asked to go investigate, and hopefully return him to his kingdom in Gallica. We'd probably gain a debt from him as well, which would be useful."

Tahlia could see the logic in risking it for this mission, but there was still ab amount of confusion, starting with, "Will, isn't this confidential? Why are you telling me?" Information was given on a need-to-know basis.

Will grinned, "Because you'll be making a trip to Redmont while we're gone." 

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