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" (y/n)? (Y/n)! Get yo ass up your gonna be late! " I groaned , pulling the covers off of my face " okay I'm up! " I shouted back. I sat up rubbing my eyes, I swung my legs off of my bed and headed towards my bathroom to get ready for the day.

{ later }

I was just putting jewelry and matching shoes to go with my outfit , today was my first day at Karasuno High. I heard rumors that there wasn't many black people there. But I didn't care. I couldn't be late because today I was one of the new coaches of the boys volleyball team. I grabbed my bag and purse and left the house,

( so I kinda wanted y'all to be coaches- so yeah—)

After a while of walking I've made it to the school, it looked so modern. I walked as all eyes were on me, I ignored the whispers and laughs and made it to my locker and began putting my things in. I closed my locker as a group of girls were waiting behind it. " can I help you? " I asked. " your not allowed here " she spoke. I looked her up and down " that outfit is ugly " I walked off with those simple words.

I walked into my first class greeting myself, the person we stood out the most was a tall blonde boy. " you may sit next to him " the teacher pointed out. Nobody ever told her that pointing was rude? I nodded and sat down next to him.

He was so focused on the lesson, " hi- " " not now. " I rolled my eyes and decided to pay attention to the lesson. This class was so boring, I was nearly falling asleep in til a piece of paper landed on my desk. I raised my brow and look to the side of me,

The tall boy was just looking at the power point. I carefully opened the note..


This made me smile a lil bit. I put the paper into my pocket and focused on the lesson. The bell filled my ears signaling first class was finally over. I sighed before standing up, I began gathering all of my things " write back when I write to you. " I heard behind me. I turned to see the tall boy " okay tall boy " I said smiling,

I shortly left the classroom walking towards my next class. I was greeted once again to the second period class, I wanted to sit in the back but all the seats were taken, I decided to just sit in the middle.

It was finally lunch. Which was really bad, I didn't have anybody to sit with.

I held onto my lunch bag . I don't eat lunch room food, I just pick up McDonald's or something on my way here. I heard a faint whistle, I turned to see the tall boy , he waved for me to come over. I approached him he sat with a cute boy , green and and freckles. " your very cute " I told the boy. He blushed and looked away,

I sat across from the both of them and started eating my food, " so what's your name? " the shy boy asked. " (y/n) you? " " Yamaguchi Tadashi nice to meet you miss (y/n) " I smiled at him. I looked towards the tall boy " and what about your name? " I asked, " don't worry about it , and what type of name is (y/n) sounds boring " he said dryly. " I like to hear my name come out of your mouth " I said boldly.

He looked away, I giggled and continued talking to yamaguchi , after lunch I headed towards my last period class, I walked in and sat in the back, I heard the door open again revealing the tall boy. Obviously he didn't like me but he's kind when he wants to be, I didn't say anything to him,

A gust of wind come by me. I looked up to see the tall boy sitting next to me, there were so many seats in this classroom. " that's sweet you chose to seat by me " he didn't respond. I chuckled and focused on the lesson,

I was busy writing down notes in til a piece of paper flew on my desk. I already knew who it was from, I opened it and once I read it I immediately smiled.

I changed my mind. Your name is pretty.

I folded the paper back up and placed it in my wallet. As a memory, after the last class was over I still had to go see about volleyball, I grabbed my things from my locker and headed towards the gym.

" alright boys! Come to the middle! " the coach shouted. I walked over " excuse me? I'm (y/n) " I greeted " hello (y/n) it's finally nice to meet you " he greeted, i softly smiled and looked at the team.

My eyes stopped and the tall boy, he looked at me as well. We stared at each other in til I broke it. " I'm your coach Ukai and these are you team members " he greeted. " everyone introduce yourselves. "

I listened to all of their voices and matched them with their faces.

" Tsukishima Kei. " the tall boy spoke. " it's nice to be your new coach this year " i greeted. I bowed to them, " alright boys let's get back to the set! " the coach announced the all went back to their places and begun a small game. I watched Kei Closely . He's so handsome.

" so how's the game so far? " the coach asked " it's really good I love how they all serve " I answered. He nodded as a ' good ' , After a couple hours practice was done. I stood grabbing my things.

I was heading out the door ready to finally go home " hi (y/n)! " I heard behind me. That sweet voice. " hi yamaguchi " I greeted back. I turned around to face him , he was with Kei. " nice to see you again tall boy " " you know my name already stop calling me that. " he said dryly. " nope " I answered smiling.

I left the building walking my way home. " good evening (y/n)! " my mother greeted. " hi momma " I said taking off my shoes. " how's school and practice? " " it was good " I said retreating to my room.

I plopped down on my bed. " I'm sooo tireddd " I said to myself, a ping from my phone caused me to look up.

( theoneandonlykei started following you )

I just knew it was him. I opened my phone and followed him back, I checked through out his page. Most of the photos were from his volleyball games. He wasn't smiling in any of these, maybe once day I'll get him to smile.

I turned off my phone and put it on the charger. I turned on my tv onto some Cory and laid down slowly falling asleep.

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