new contact

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3:02 PM

me: "hey, are u that guy from last night?"

adam: "yea, you fell on your face at my parents house last night lol"

me: "ur parents house?"

adam: "yeah I'm brandon's brother"

me: "oh, I didn't know he had a brother"

adam: "yeah well he looks more like our dad so people usually don't think we're related"

me: "oh"

We kept talking and he ended up calling me. I headed back to the good ol' van whereI found out what really happened last night. 

"I CAN'T FEEL MY FACE WHEN I'M WITH YOUUU AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA" I said with a bloody nose and a knotted head while Farrah and Adam put both my arms around both of them. "Joey, ugh please stop it." Farrah said, dragging me back up to the couch. "DOES ANYONE HAVE A FIRST AID KIT OR SOMETHING??" Farrah yelled "Yeah, upstairs, grab an ice pack from the freezer for now though." Adam said, rushing up the stairs So she did just that. "HEY HEY HEY NOW WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND HERE?" Brandon Fowley yelled, pushing through people with cameras zooming in on me. After seeing my sister holding an ice pack to my face and me spewing utter nonsense out of my mouth, he started shooing people away, saying stuff like "She just fell, everyone leave her alone please". "ADAAAAAAAAAAAAM" Brandon yelled. "WHAT??" Adam yelled back, coming down the stairs. Brandon stormed over to Adam and the conversation basically went like this;

"What the fuck happened, Adam???"

"I don't know, all I saw was her getting up and then falling." 

"You were supposed to make sure shit like this happened. What if Mom and Dad see one of the videos someone recorded?"

"I told you not to throw this dumbass party anyway."


They went back and forth until Adam pushed pass him to get to me with tissues for my nose. 

"HOLD STILL JOEY!!" Farrah said, trying to hold me upright while pinching my nose to stop the bleeding. "I have tissues, is her nose broken?" Adam asked, trying to keep my head back. At this point I was completely gone. "No, just busted up a bit." Farrah said, visibly in distress even though she had a few drinks herself. "I FEEL LIKE A FISH IN THE MIDDLE OF JUNE BABYYYY" I started screaming, while Farrah held the tissues on my nose "Heh, is she always this goofy?" Adam asked, holding my head back. "Yeah but in a more....practical way I guess." Farrah said, grabbing more tissues out of the box. "I'm gonna take you guys home, I can tell you can't drive home." Adam said. "Thanks, I don't know where my ride went so I appreciate it ." 

After Farrah stopped my nose from bleeding, she was ready to go home, so they escorted me to his car. "WAIT NO I DON'T WANNA LEAVE" I said as I was shoved into the back of the car, Farrah getting in after me. "WELL THAT'S TOO DAMN BAD" Farrah said, buckling me in. "Soo, are we all buckled in back there?" Adam asked awkwardly. "YULP" I yelled from the back seat, giving a thumbs up. "how are you still conscious..." Farrah murmured under her breath. "I TOLD YOU, I'M INVINCIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I said, flailing my arms weekly yet vigorously. Adam chuckled and decided to turn on the radio. "OH IS THIS THAT FLEETWOOD MAC?? THIS IS MY SHITTT" I said, raising my head up. "NOW HERE YOU AGAIN YOU SAY YOU WANT YOUR FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMMM" I sa- well I did something with that masterpiece of a song. Once we got to the house, Adam told Farrah to put his number in my phone, just so he could see if I was still funny sober. Little does he know I'm rarely sober. Miles and Farrah took me to the van where I bounced off the walls for a minute and then passed out. 

"And yeah that's about all." Adam said through the phone. "Well, I made myself look like a complete jackass" I said, heavily disappointed and proud of myself. "I thought it was pretty funny." Adam said snickering at me. "Look, I was very intoxicated and high, don't judge" I said. "I'm not, I'm not, I promise." Adam said, sincerely. "Look, there's a bonfire next Friday, you should come." 

"Will there be liquor?" I asked. "I mean it's a bonfire, what do you think they'll be? flavored waters?" He answered. I mean that doesn't sound half bad. "Very funny, I'll be there, send the location." I said and he agreed, and then I hung up. I probably should've not gone to that party, don't worry I'm not spoiling.

I laid on my back and finally succumb to the benzos I took earlier. Took long enough to kick in. My eyes started to feel heavy, and I fell asleep.

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