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*A/N this story will contain major trigger warnings for almost everything you can think of. Readers discretion is advised.


The young blonde girl sat in the restaurant across from her parents swinging her legs in anticipation. She was excited to see her 'uncle' Jeremy who would be having dinner with the family.

Jeremy was merely a family friend, but after babysitting the young girl since she was three years old, the two were almost inseparable. Now that Nova was ten and Jeremy had recently turned 19, she basically considered him to be her uncle.

"You sure are excited to see him aren't you Nova? He'll be here shortly so you can calm down a little," Nova's mother, Diana, laughs at the hyperactive child.

Nova's father, Johnathan, smiles at his daughter while agreeing with Diana.

As if on cue, a tall man with dark hair and an angular face walked towards the family with a smile on his face and a few gift bags slung on his wrist.

Nova jumps up from her seat in excitement and runs over to the young man who quickly picks her up and spins her around before engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Hey kid! I missed you. Happy birthday supernova," Jeremy says, using the young girl's nickname.

He then sets Nova down and slides into the booth next to her and places the gift baigs on the table.

"You spoil her entirely too much," Johnothan says with a roll of his eyes.

Although to anyone else it would look as if he was serious, Johnothan was actually quite fond of the young man and only meant it jokingly.

"What can I say? I have to spoil my favorite superstar. I'm telling you old man, this girl's career has already taken off but I don't see it stopping anytime soon," Jeremy responds letting out a light laugh.

The family continues to talk and laugh the evening away until Nova's eyelids become heavier by the minute. It was understandable though, because it had been an exciting tenth birthday. She was sure to never forget it.

"Well, looks like the kid is down for the count," Jonothan sighs, his arm slung around Diane's shoulder as he watches his daughter with love in his eyes.

Jeremy stands up and picks Nova up as well, the girl not even stirring due to being completely worn out.

"I can take her home. You know I have a key and this way you guys can have a break from this ball of excitement. I'm sure she wore you guys out today as well," Jeremy offers.

Both parents give him a thankful nod and as Jeremy walks off, they continue their chatter and playful flirting knowing that their daughter was safe with a close family friend.


Nova's eyes slowly opened to find herself back in her room under her blankets. She didn't know when she fell asleep, but only woke up due to her discomfort feeling something poking against her thigh. Feeling heavy panting against her neck, she turns over to find Jeremy looking at her with a shocked expression.

"What are you doing uncle Jeremy?" Nova asks, trying to peek under the covers to find out what was poking her. It felt weird.

Her eyes slightly widened when she found Jeremy's private part buried in between her thighs, confusion slowly settling it's way into her mind.

Nova didn't know why, but she felt uncomfortable as Jeremy told her to just go back to sleep and that he was just giving himself a massage. As hard as she tried to fall back asleep, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

But she knew that Jeremy would never hurt her, so of course she didn't question him further and turned back over, willing herself to sleep again.

Sleep never found her as she lay awake feeling Jeremy's ragged breaths on the back of her neck, absolutely terrified to make another sound.


A/N the intro is done! I wanted to take a different route with Jeremy's character this time because although he is meant to be an antagonist, I think it would be more interesting if Nova's relationship with him started off positive.

Let me know your thoughts!

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