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It was a warm sunny day while our interviewer Park Jimin (rosexsparklez) waited for our first guest milfaari . It wasn't long before our guest arrived and they had a heartfelt interview which went as follows........

Jimin: Welcome to 'Meraki: The Interview Corner'. Would to prefer tea or coffee?

milfaari: Hi! Coffee, anyday! (ignoring the fact I drink tea everyday, kinda British thing 0_0) 

*Two cups of coffee ordered*

Jimin: So, let's start, shall we? Are you comfortable sharing your name with us?

milfaariUnfortunately, that'll be a no. But my real name is very similar to my penname, only a few letters here and there! 

Jimin: What is your favorite genre for reading and writing & how did you get introduced to wattpad?

milfaariAlthough I started with just a humorous (pretty much soulless) story for me to enjoy as I write, I began reading more and tried to incorporate the feelings that I experienced then into my writing and thus, improved. I don't have a specific favorable genre as I enjoy and am open to all kinds of subjects and so, my writing, however, takes an angsty turn at times. Perhaps because the sensations of a heavily aching heart can only be found in the delicate words of books?
Haha to this day, I don't remember how I really got "introduced" to wattpad. But I have always been an avid reader since I was maybe 7-8. I remember the first few fictional books I read and just fell in love with reading and the source; wattpad. My decision to steer towards writing was very prompt actually. I am overall run on spontaneous bursts of energy and creating a book without any experience or knowledge of writing was just another instance of it. I had never thought of coming this far where I have come and a significant credit of it goes to my dear readers. Many of my stories would've become just another night fantasy to sleep if not for their constant love and comments! 

Jimin: That's a lovely journey of yours. By any chance, do you regret doing something here? 

milfaariOh that's an intriguing question XD
While there's a lot of advantages of having online friends as you can have the best of the friendships with somebody without having to share a single personal thing of yours and solely on your common interests, I think that's where we get greedy. I won't call it a regret, much like a lesson, rather. A lesson for myself and others! Do not indulge in things that don't give you the right gut feeling, that's it. At times, you may feel inclined towards proving somebody wrong/helping a stranger but you never know if they're just attention-seeking psychos. Don't be extra nice to people just for the sake of making friends, and especially do NOT share your personal info to just anyone, you never know what they have in their mind.

Jimin: Do you have any best friend here?  

milfaari: I have a lot of very good friends, it's hard to count haha. But all my readers are my best friends. And we communicate with each through comments. They like my books, I like their comments (comments are really what keeps me motivated throughout tbh).

Jimin: What are your hobbies except writing? 

milfaariI have a HUGE love for singing alongside writing. They both started simultaneously as well. With Miss Corona's debut, I think I lost interest in a lot of my other hobbies but the ones I would like to rejuvenate are painting and dancing! 

Jimin: As an experienced writer, any tips for the new ones?

milfaariOooh man that's a question with unceasing answers, but I'll try to the best of my ability to make it concise.
1 - write for yourself. I've encountered sooo many people who albeit started writing for the sake of their interest, quickly succumbed to superficial things such as votes/reads/followers. And although we've all been there, that's the phase I'd recommend everybody to skip asap!
2 - PLEASE do not post your book promos on other's mbs asking THEIR followers to read your book. Not only is it immensely disrespectful to the author, you're begging for views and insulting your own creation. Don't do that :D
3 - writer's block is just as common as splurges of inspo. You may think of deleting a book since you 'think' you've lost all interest at it, but hang in there! It'll get better. Read other books and you won't know when you've recovered all your ideas and skills back 

Jimin: I'm sure these tips will help everyone a lot. We have just one last query, what's your favorite quote?

milfaari: "You have to be insane go be sane" ON, BTS.
This quote has really struck to me for a while lol. It basically illustrates that the reality isn't everything or sometimes, nothing as you present it to be. It definitely gives me confidence to live life the way I wish to without fearing rejection 

Jimin: It's really meaningful. Thank you for sparing your precious time for us. Hope you enjoyed as much as we did

milfaari: Absolutely! I had a wonderful time too XD

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