i heart reversible couples

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"FUCK- YOU CAME ALL OVER MY BACK..." Tricky wrapped his arms around Hank. "Whatever, I'll just clean it for you later." Hank sat up, wiping his mouth. "HMPH..." Tricky got up and turned around, his back facing Hank. "..LICK IT." "..What?" "LICK. IT. OFF." "I'm not gonn-" Tricky fell back and rubbed the cum all over Hank's chest and pecs. "WHAT THE HELL, TRICKY..." "CLEAN THAT, BITCH."

Hank pushed Tricky onto his back, and tey started wrestling on the bed. "You little.." They tussled and punched for a while.. Hank and Tricky rubbed against eachother the entire time, the two swapping places every few seconds. Hank ended up on his back. "Gah.. you suck.." "HEHEHE..." Tricky had Hank pinned down to the bed. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, WIMBLETON.."

Hank pinched Tricky with his free hand. "Stop calling me that." "HMPH... SUCH AN ATTITUDE.. WE JUST GOT DONE FUCKING.." "It looks like you wanna keep going." Hank rested his arms behind himself on the bed. "OOOH... HEHEE..." Tricky hardened again, at the thought of fucking such a stud like Hank.. "Tricky, do you have anything on you..? For.. this occasion..." "HMMM...." Tricky reached into a pocket on his lab coat which rested on the bed.

Tricky unfolded a pocket knife. "SURELY THIS WILL DO~~" "Huh.. Don't get too careless." "YOU'RE FINE WITH IT?" "Don't overdo it." "KAY.." Tricky rested his hands on either side of Hank's waist- on the bed. "I don't mind if you want to try other positions." "AH, THANKS......" Tricky pointed his dick at Hank's hole. Hank looked unamused. "HMPH.. WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT.." Tricky shoved the entire thing in, sighing a deformed and pleasurable sigh.

Hank grunted, erect but seemingly bored. He never really liked being dominated

. "Gh." "Mf." Tricky thrusted quickly, drooling all over. "HA...NHG...UHHG..." He picked up the pocket knife, trembling a little. "SORRY..HEHE..." Tricky carved the word 'sexy' into Hank's left pec. Hank winced, but seemed mostly unharmed. Blood trickled out of the wound- staining the bed and, obviously Hank's chest.

"Ngh.." Hank let out a moan, his dick pulsating as the blood seeped out. Tricky kept pounding, feeling how humid and musky the air was around Hank's ass. "HA... YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T MIND..?" "I have alot of scars either way." Hank tightened up, not feeling anything. "MGH.. DANM, YOUR MUSCLES ARE SUPER STRONG.." "I do this often." "..WHAT DO YOU MEAN..?" "The guys at the gym favor me." "MAN.. MAYBE I CAN GO TO THE GYM WITH TOU SOMETIME.." "..Depends."

"HMMPHGF... WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEPENDS..??" "..They're pretty huge guys." "EH...ALRIGHT... NMGF..." Tricky put the knife down on the bed, then grabbed Hank's waist for leverage. "Mphf." Hank made a noise, feeling this weird pressure on his hip bones.
"D..DANM.. HANNG OO.... CUMMING..." Tricky released inside, but kept thrusting- and the cum kept coming.. (GGHKAAAJKFK CUMSPLOSION 😭😭😭)
"..You can stop now."

"...NO.. NOT ENOUGH... MOREE..." Hank could feel all the cum oozing out, and groaned. "Hn.. alright.." He crossed his legs around Tricky's back. "HAAA..HUAHE...GNNHFF.." Tricky trembled, this friction on his dick and the fact he just came made the fucking feel better.. "Tch.. chill out, man.." Hank gripped Tricky's wrist, and began feeling- super.. (turned on ?? idk whatto use because euphoric sounds weird)

"HMPHH...NOO..." Tricky pulled off Hank's mask, and kissed him, still fucking deeply. "HMPGPFFHDH.." "MnnHAa! TRJHGGICKY.." Hank choked on Tricky's tongue, and struggled a little.

and then tricky got pregnant ;-; /j

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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