Chapter 3

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[3rd POV]
The day went on for Y/n and the boys by their side, they did them a favor and packed lunches they made for them of the dinner they cooked last night for themselves and their friends before their father cooked food for the house. He knows they have friends and also knows the food isn't always the best so just in case, he allowed them to pack a lunch for multiple people.

The five of them ate, laughed, and joked together for the entire time until they needed to part ways for the rest of their classes. They all walked home together, Y/n dropping their friends off until they got back to Finny's house, though the group couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Y/n said their goodbyes and grabbed their bike to make it home before dark.

Once they made it home, they immediately chained up their bike, walked in, headed for their room, and started on their homework to go ahead and get it over with. They ended up having to talk on the phone with Robin and Vance to explain the math..and the other subjects of homework to both boys but they eventually got the hang of it and thanked Y/n for being once of the only reasons they haven't got expelled yet.

The grabber came home with a brother that was sober for once so they all talked together about their days and decided to make dessert together to it would be ready by the time they finished eating. Y/n decided to have them make cheesecake brownies for dessert and baked lasagna for dinner. Of course the grabber monitored Y/n while they cooked to make sure they didn't get hurt and also got to be the tester of the food.

During dinner, Y/n found it strange that their father ate in his room this time and took so big of portions of the meal and the dessert but brushed it off as he was just extremely hungry.

While Max and Y/n were asleep however, the grabber walked down into the basement with two trays of lasagna that could be cut into four perfect cube shapes and eaten that way, a bottle of soda as usual, and a small cube of the cheesecake brownies.

Griffin and Billy usually hate eating the food given to them from the man holding them captive but this food tasted amazing and better than his cooking so they immediately knew there was more than just him up there. The food didn't even taste as flavorless as his eggs at all. But no words were shared and he just went back upstairs, took off his mask and we r to sleep.

The grabber didn't strike or kidnap anyone for about a week, making people feel like it was safe again in their small town, but they thought wrong. Y/n woke up one day and got ready for school, this time heading towards Vance's house to get him, Robin, then Finny and Gwen. Once the two boys finally got ready, they walked with Y/n to the Blake's house then headed to school.

They all knew Bruce was probably already at school and they were excited to see him until Y/n and Gwen stopped dead in their tracks once they saw a family piece of paper, just with a new picture and a new name that changed the entire day of the friend group for life.


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