ma belle evangeline

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dialogue between Cam (friend of love interest) and love interest

"what do u mean cam?"

"i think that you might just be afraid of messing up with them. You've surpressed you feelings towards them because you dont want to lose them as a friend. I've seen the way you unconsciously put them ahead of anyone else. How you take quick glances and turn away afraid someone will catch you and how you blush the few times they have. How everytime they arrive you smile and run towards them just to walk them over the rest of the way"

"well come on cam thats just having manners"

"not really do you see any of us getting a few steps in by walking to someone a few steps away just to walk back to the same location"

"but thats just what friends do"

" oh come on if you want a clear sign that you like them then just literally look at ur home wallpaper"

"well yeah its just me and them were best friends why wouldnt it be?"

"ok that's understandable but why dont you have it as your lockscreen"

"well because then they'll see it and that'll be embarrassing it feels like I would have been caught doing something I shouldnt be doing"

"and why would it feel like that

"because I look that picture when I feel unmotivated. I see it and suddenly im able to do anything for them"


"because I want the best for them I want them to not worry about anything. That when they're afraid they'll know that i'll be by their side protecting them, helping them, as long as they'll let me. Oh my god I have really fucked up"

"yeah you have"

"well cam what do I do"

"you act like they aren't just a few steps away from you. Go you idiot go"

"yeah yeah ur right but what do I-"

cam ended the call

main character pov

I've been staring at this wall for some time but I atleast have music this time. My concentration is disturbed my door opening and i get up to see them and I feel like crying again. They crawl over to me and reach over to take off my earphones.

"I know I know ur upset with me but i've-"

"you've what? I dont care" no matter how hard I try I dont think I can push down this bitter feeling

"just listen pls" I roll my eyes " pls look at me" and I do. I look at them at those eyes I so much adore, where I can get lost in for hours, where everything feels okay "I like you" where feel safe and-.

"what" I say

"I like you and maybe I have just realized but-"


"no what do u mean no?"

" I mean no. You cant, you cant fucking say this" I stand abrutly

"look im sorry I know im-"

Im panicking. I feel as if the world is spinning,, like my mind is flooded. I know I should feel happy, I should feel like the sky is clearing up at the end of a storm, like if suddenly we magically lived in a perfect world, but no.

"you dont even understand. You don't get to tell me you like me back after all this"

"I've always liked you it just took me time to real-" and that stings it really fucking stings


"I know you're upset and you're just saying things because you are mad, but if you relax a bit we can-"

"yes i'm mad, but that doesn't mean every word coming out of my mouth is a lie. Hell I even told you I liked you when I was mad. Now are you going to tell me that I was lying about that too or no, just because now it's convenient to you"

"i didnt meant that I just meant tha-"

"I- I cant do this. Just- just don't look for me, don't ask for me, and don't expect me to come back; I'm sorry" so I run to my car. I can hear foosteps behind, but turning back will only slow me down. I'm inside the only place that is truly mine and they call my name from a few steps away from my car and now it doesn't hurt to turn around. I feel the tears in my eyes again and I would call myself a crybaby, but not now, not when crying is rational, when its the only thing helping me stay grounded. For one final time I look into their eyes and can see that they as well have forming tears. And those eyes, those once beautiful eyes that shined brighter than evangeline herself, now seemed nothing more than just another old pair.

confusedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora