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The boardwalk at night was something else entirely – a beautiful sight I figured I might never get used to. Even after living here for nineteen years of my life, I still found the bright lights and atmosphere one of the most captivating things I'd ever see. The variety of people was insane – from girls in bright pink clothes with blonde hair pulled into long ponytails, heels clacking everywhere they went, to ones in flashy all-black and leather outfits with hair spiked in every direction. Boys even ranged from cocky surfer boys who loved to terrorize anyone in sight to goth-punk ones that kneeled so children could touch their jackets. Everyone came to Santa Carla, it seemed.

I smiled as I let my eyes fall over everyone. Even living here, I never had the proper time to soak in everything, so I would let myself enjoy it while it lasted.

Marko still had an arm around my waist, and I was slightly thankful for it. The amount of times I would have walked in the complete opposite direction was almost comical, his arm the only thing to pull me back. He laughed to himself as he pulled me back the last time, my eyes set on a specific stand selling pretty rock candy. "You're pay almost as little attention as Paul." It wasn't said like an insult, more like a content roll off the tongue. Obviously whoever Paul was was a friend, and I would be glad to meet him. Maybe we could zone out together. Maybe he would let me get the pretty rock candy.

I leaned into Marko as the call of his name sounded somewhere nearby. I turned, following the sound to see the three boys from the other night – though this time I was finally able to take in the other two.

One was another blond, his stance confident as he leaned against the railing of the boardwalk, not paying us the slightest of attention at the moment. He had a shorter mullet, the front spiked and all of it bleached platinum blond like the tips of my own hair. He was wearing all black and multiple layers - a t-shirt, leather jacket, and either a tuxedo jacket or a trench coat, I couldn't tell. He was also wearing jeans and a pair of tall boots like the blond from before.

Next to him was a brunette, a Native American by the looks of it. He, luckily for my eyes, was not wearing a shirt at all but instead donned only a black leather jacket, jeans, and high boots like the others. An animal tooth dangled from his ear, and I finally realized that all four of them each had a single dangling earring hanging from their left ears.

"Marko!" The friendly-looking blonde called out. He was grinning ear-to-ear, a lit joint that seemed to be on it's last leg in his hand as he opened his arms wide. "Where'd you go, dude?"

Marko beamed the same kind of grin and squeezed me closer to his side before letting go completely, pushing me towards the others. "I went to go pick up this little package right here!"

At that sentence, the leader-looking one finally turned to us and locked eyes with me. God, his eyes were such a vibrant shade of pale blue. I wanted to drown in them. The man faltered for a moment before a smirk graced his features. "And who might this be."

"I'm Evangeline." My voice was so quiet compared to Marko and the blond's, but it seemed as if the leader was thankful for it. Even after being around them for a few moments, I could tell the two natural blonds probably got into at least a bit of trouble.

The one in the white pants reached out towards me, pulling me to him instead. Warning bells should have been going off, but instead, I felt quite at peace tucked away under his arm. "That's quite a mouthful, girl. You got a nickname?"

I shrugged. "Not really. People just call me Evangeline."

Marko scoffed dramatically, crossing his arms. "Excuse you! I've been calling you angel!"

"I didn't think that would be a recurring thing, I'm so sorry," I drawled out sarcastically, rolling my eyes but laughing so he knew I was joking.

Paul turned towards me, nose ghosting across my cheek. "No, angel's cute. I can dig that."

black roses | rewritten version | the lost boys (1987)Where stories live. Discover now