The next day

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*warning:self h@rm, drùgs,etc*

Y/n's pov:

U woke up gareth had left cause his dad needed him home so it was just u home alone u remember what happened last night and u hurry to get up grab different clothes and going in the shower quickly cleaning yourself off once u get out u dry off and change into clean clothes but u still feel horrible so u dig through the drawers and find a sharp razer and u just started crying and starts cutting ur arms and ur wrists u hear the front door open and u lock the bathroom door"y/n I'm home"billy calls out and u start panicking*o-okay billy"u manage to get out but billy knows somethings wrong and u pull down ur sleeve as billy knocks"y/n get out here now"billy sounded upset but a little mad and u walk out of the bathroom"what's wrong"billy asked"nothing"u reply"something's wro-" billy sees the blood going down ur hands and grabs ur hand and pulls up ur sleeve"y/n what the fuck"billy is more concerned now"billy im sorry im so so sorry!"u manage to say while crying

Billy's pov:I saw the cuts on her arms and wrists it was killing me i take her back in the bathroom and I clean up the wounds then wrap them"please don't do that again"I say worried"okay billy"y/n says as she hugs me and i hug her back

(Time skip)

Y/n's pov:

U needed something a lot stronger then just cuts on ur wrists and arms so u go to eddie and u ask him for some cocaine and he has some so u buy it off of him and then u go home no one is there again so u go in the bathroom,and put out a line of cocaine and u snort it then u put another line and another and another till u have no more and flush the baggie to hide it from billy then u wipe of ur nose and billy walks inside"y/n im home"billy yells"hi billy"u yell from the bathroom and he walks to bathroom and barges in thinking ur cutting yourself again and u just stand there"sorry i thought u were cutting again"billy says while looking down"nope just using the bathroom"u say but billy walks over to the counter and sees some of the cocaine"y/n what the fuck?!"billy gets upset"just go away"u start crying and run to ur room closing the door and locking it

Billy's pov:

I started crying"y/n please" i said through tears "just please leave me alone" y/n yelled back while crying so i went into my room

(Time skip two a week later)

Billy's pov:I have been worried about y/n she won't talk to me and she wont go to school so i had Gareth come over today "are u sure she wants to see me"gareth asked "positive she won't push u away"I say while bringing him inside and he head to her room

Gareth's Pov:I walked to her room and knocked"go away billy!" I heard her yell"well that means i don't have to go away cause i ain't billy"I said while standing there"gareth?!"she said loudly"the one and only"I said back"she opened the door and I walked in and she closed it"what are u doing here"she asked instantly"I don't know maybe because u haven't been to school for a week"i said worried and I look her in the eyes"drugs really y/n?!"I said noticing her eyes"yea um it was only a few times" she said upset at herself"look we can make this better together"I said confidently"you really think so?"she asked "no I don't think so...i know so"I say she smiles and i smile back "thank u"she says"your welcome but its really not a big deal"I say back "it is for me"she says i smile"well if it is for u then  it is for me"I say knowing she will be confused"what?" She asks and i kinda laugh we sit down and eat somes snacks as we watch a movie

738 words not as much as the last on

only mine Gareth Emerson x Reader(female reader)Where stories live. Discover now