Chapter 3

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The morning felt too long, the process of showers, dressing, breakfast, drop off. It seems to be such a ground hog day sort of routine. But none the less I start the process, getting Casper up and putting him in the bath with me.

Picking out Casper's clothing is probably one of my favourite times of the day, even if he likes to fight me on the clothes. Opening his mahogany drawers, I can't help but smile at all of his tiny little clothes. His dark green Bonds tracksuit pants and jumper and his plain white Bonds long sleeve catching my eye.

Picking them up, I walk back to my little boy who is still wrapped up in his towel, sitting on my bed.

"Am I going work today?" I smile at my sons beautiful curiosity, his green eyes looking up at me so wondrously.

"Let's call Nanna and find out." He grins and helps me change him, rather than putting up a fight, excited at the prospect of getting to do to work with me.

The harder part of the morning. My own wardrobe selection. Opening my wardrobe, after sending Casper out to the living room to watch television while I finish getting ready. I purse my lips, unenthusiastic by the selection of clothing I have.

Muttering to myself,

"I need a better selection"

I lean in, and pull out my black pencil skirt, accompanying it with my light baby blue blouse and matching black blazer. After dressing, I move on to my shoe rack, putting on my matching blue heels. If I were to attempt make up, I would just end up looking like a clown, so I don't do anything more than a little concealer and some eyeliner.

To my surprise, while entering the lounge room, going toward the kitchen, the scene in front of me makes me smile. Jasmine is in the kitchen, teaching Casper how to butter his toast. As much as Jasmine and I have our differences, she has always been wonderful to Casper. For that, I will always be grateful.

Once Casper has finished his breakfast, We call my mum to find out that my dad is still recovering from the events that unfolded. I lead him out to Jasmine's car. She's going to be picking my car up from the shop today, after work and said she will leave it outside my workplace since I keep doing overtime.

"So, I've been approved for an apartment closer to my work." I look at her, rather shocked.

Part of me wasn't ready for her to say that. She's been a big part of my life and I know it'll be an adjustment without her.

"That's great, I know you'll enjoy being so close to your work." I say with a half hearted smile.

"I was thinking, maybe, I could be around for Casper's birthdays and things." Smile more genuinely this time.

"Of course. He loves you so much." She smiles and relaxes in her seat.

It doesn't really take too much longer after our conversation, to make it to the front of my work. I sigh, unclipping my seatbelt.

"Troubles?" I look at Jasmine, and I'm reminded about her catching me kissing Emilia.

"I don't know yet." She laughs at my response.

"You have a type." I roll my eyes, but smile.

When I first met her, she was a PhD student running some tutor classes in my university.

I don't respond to her comment, more than the smile I gave, and hope out of the passenger side. I can see Casper grinning as I open his door and get him out of the car seat. We walk into the building after saying goodbye to Jasmine.

"I press!" Casper says excitedly as we approach the lift.

"Go ahead buddy." I watch with a smile as he taps the button for the lift about four times, before it opened.

Stepping in, I tell Casper what floor to press, and lift him up to reach the button. He happily presses the floor I need him to. He excitedly counts the floors as the lift shoes the numbers, until we reach our floor. Immediately, Mike is there to greet us. He hi fives Casper and gives me a side hug.

"Emilia has been looking at your desk, waiting for you." I blush, feeling my heart skip a beat.

I bite my lip, making my way to my desk. Her blinds are drawn so cannot see inside her office at the moment. This doesn't help the anxiety building inside me. Setting Casper and his things at my desk, Mike offers to watch him while I see what she wanted. Part of me just wants to wait until she comes out to get me, but I also know the sooner I have this conversation with her, the better.

Walking to her office door, I have to take a breath, wiping my now sweaty palms against my skirt. I knock on her door. A moment later, she opens it. Excitement, nervousness and fear showing on her face. She steps slightly away from the door step.

"Come in." I nod, walking past her, into her office.

I listen to her movements, as my back is turned to her, hearing her close and lock the door. Turning, I take a moment to look her over. A sexy fitting red dress, that stops an inch above her knees, riding up as she sits on the edge of her desk in front of me.

"Dj... " I can't help the small smile with hearing her use my nickname.

"Emilia." I respond to her open ended start to the conversation.

"I know that you want this beautiful romance, and you deserve that..." Sincerity is evident in her features and her words as she looks me straight in the eyes while talking. Only averting her gaze to her hands once she pauses.

"But I can't give that to you. I can't be open about who I am. And I wish more than anything, that I could give you that." I can feel my heart breaking inside my chest, but instead of showing it, I smile at her. I stand up, from the chair in front of her, and move the short distance between her and I, so I am in between her legs.

Her breath hitches momentarily as I cup her cheeks in my hands, and lean in, pressing my lips against her soft plump lips.

"I'm not going to give up on this." On hand had made it's way to her thigh during our kiss, feeling her smooth skin under my hand, I can't help but caress the spot.

"I'm terrified that you'll succeed." Smirking, I lean in and kiss her cheek, trailing kisses to her neck.

"Y-you have to stop. I'm not ready for what I'll do for you." My heart jumps at her words.

"I can be patient. But I won't be some side secret." She gulps and nods her head. With that, I walk out of her office and back to my own cubical.

The rest of the day went by quite quickly and uneventfully. Besides the text from Jasmine about my car being parked out the front of my work. It's been a while since I've had it back. Yet again, Emilia startles me by tapping me on the shoulder.

"You need to make sure you go home on time every now and again." I give a small laugh, trying not to be to loud as Casper is asleep.

"Says you." She playfully purses her lips at my response. She waits as I pack my things.

"Do you need a lift?" I smile but shake my head at her offer.

"My car is out the front. It's fixed now. " She gives a half hearted smile, and nods.

We both walk in silence, not wanting to wake Casper who is asleep in my arms, toward the lift to take us to the car park out the front. I can't help smile, as Emilia walks with me to my car. I put Casper in, then turn to her. Before I can say anything, her lips are pressing urgently against mine. I respond by pulling her in by her arse.

"You need to give me six months. I promise you, if you give me six months I will come out. But I need to know that this isn't a joke or some fling for you." I smile and cup her cheek.

"It's not a joke, or a fling. But this is it Emilia. Until your six months is up, we can't be like this. We can talk and hang out and I may bend the rules for a kiss here and there but none of this making out, the embracing, the feeling each other as we kiss... and definitely... no sex." I watch, satisfied with myself, as her cheeks blush 

"Okay." I smile at her response.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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