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Early mornings in the figure eight, beams of sun, stacks of pancakes and most importantly a very tired Kook Princess. Lila was an only child, i know ironic. Her parents were very wealthy and became business owners for stores all around the island, living next door to the Cameron's, Lila had a half fun life.

Most days, she'd go visit Sarah, maybe to go surfing or to even just tan. They were unbreakable, always together. "hello", lila announced as she picked up her phone.

"are you ready yet? god sake Lila", sarah blasted back, ruffing in the background and a music jarring throughout Lila's room.

"i'm literally just spraying deodorant and i'll be two minutes, where are we even going?", she asked.

"are you stupid? you promised to take me to play golf...", sarah sighed. Lila muttered a quick curse and repeated, "i'll be two minutes."

"fuck sake, shitty golf" , she mumbled. Grabbing her keys and purse, she was off.

Lila was fucked up, she has too many worries in her head and too many objectives on the top of her tongue. She's the type of person who laughs at a funeral and cries when she drops food, she's odd. Her parents are the complete opposite, the most chill people ever, want to stay out? Sure. Home at 4 in the morning? That's fine. Mom i need 200 dollars.. That's okay. But when Mr and Mrs Clarkson were in Lilas presence she's quiet, she taps her finger against her phone and moves her leg up and down. She's a damaged person to society.

Everyone knows her as Kook princess, her and sarah. The rich kids of Outer banks, The blonde and Brunette to figure 8. People know Lila as the girl who has a blow dry twice a week, and has her eyelashes lifted every weekend. She was very well kept and very secretive, she was in eleventh grade before the summer hit. School was not her most favourite place, she'd often find herself sneaking off with boys behind the maths classrooms and practicing her smoking skills any time she could. Lila was an icon, she was the moment.

"get in bitch", she winked, tilting her sunglasses to the tip of her nose. Her Deep blue eyes glaring out to Sarah Cameron.

"Yes yess boss", Sarah saluted, giggling after she opened the door to Lilas most pride possession. Her G wagon, diamanté steering wheel and fluffy dice hanging from the mirrors, her led lights that covered the inside of the floor mats, and the illuminate colour of black that covered the outside of the car. Her parents absolutely spoiled her , afterall she was alone with two millionaires.

"Here she is, the barbie to the obx", a voice snarled from the steps of the cameron household. Rafe.
Now, Rafe and Lila was a No. A straight No, no in between, they were literally salt and pepper, you'd never see them together, you'd never even hear them together. They Quite literally hated each other, Rafe and Lila kept up with this little vengeance since they could even remember walking. Don't know why though, they reckon there's no reason, just a hatred too strong to talk out.

"Oh and it's the only dick in the Obx", she snapped back, sending him the finger, her bright acrylics sending him a shock. Rafe smirked and approached sarah's window, "You wish you had the Only Good dick in the obx."

"Ew, fuck off rafe", she gagged. Racing out of the cameron drive way, "you're brother is a fucking cunt."

"Oh you only just realised?"

600 words

Don't Tell - A Rafe Cameron storyWhere stories live. Discover now