*not an actual chapter, but could be*

589 19 8

*major spoilers of S4*
Tw:mention of death, gross discriptions, dead body, blood,

time skip to next day*
Steve's P.O.V.

I wake up with a massive headache, knowing that last night went well. I open my eyes after a solid five minutes of resting them. I see Eddie's sleeping body next to me. I just watch as his chest rises and lowers with each deep breath. He looks so peaceful, I don't think I'll wake him yet. I was about to get out of bed when I felt the bed move.

I look over and see Eddie still asleep, but his face looks less peaceful now. He starts to shake a bit more so I grab his hand. Realizing he's probably having a nightmare. I cuddle up beside him and bring him into my arms, rubbing circles on his back and telling him I'm here and that nothing can hurt him. He calms down after a while so I finally decide to get up. Feeling a little worried about him, I know he hasn't been the same since everything that happened. It seems like I help a lot with all of it and I'm really glad that is.

I go downstairs and decide to call over Dustin for a fun movie time. I don't really wanna be that social today and Eddie's not even up yet.

After about thirty minutes Dustin arrives. I go to open the door and see he's brought something with him.

"Okay, now what?" I say, moving to let him through the door.

"This is going to blow your mind, you know how when Vecna appeared he seemed to get in peoples minds and find their worst fears." Dustin says putting down the folders he was holding.

"Uhh yeah I thought we were done with this creep" i says throwing a towel over my shoulder and cleaning of a cup to pour coffee in.

"Yeah I thought so too, but there was something weird I noticed." He says, opening the folder and flipping through pages, until he stops at one page.

In big letters the page says Hell Fire Club, below it is the picture.

"Oh shit what is this" I say, picking up the paper from Dustin. Scanning it over. The entire page is talking about the satanic worshipping cult that's leader Eddie Munson controls.

"Are they fucking serious, haven't we been over this it's wasn't him, and he shouldn't have this haunting him for the rest of his life" I say, throwing the paper down. I look over to see Dustin looking worried.

I look at him even more confused, "what do you disagree or something?" I ask, crossing my arms infront of me.

"Steve, Eddie's-" his eyes widen, when he realizes.


"What-" suddenly I feel my heart speed up, my body revolts itself as I can't remember how to move. He can't be he's right here.

Suddenly my heart drops

We had just destroyed Vecna and I was ecstatic. I hug Robin and Nancy as tight as I possibly could, we did it it's finally over. It feels like I can finally breath again.

That feeling doesn't last long when we make it to the trailer. I can't see much, but I see a figure on the ground, my breath stops, I feel my body go into shock as I rush over at full speed. I see Dustin crying and I rush and hug him holding on as tight as I can.

"Thankgod you guys are okay" I say letting him go, my joy being wiped away when I see the pain in his eyes. Eddie!

"Whe-where's Eddie he's alright right?" I ask, seeing tears pour out of Dustin's eyes at my words. This causing my heart to sink even deeper.

"S-Steve he's-" Dustin says not being able to breathe or speak at that. When those words left his mouth I stopped working, it was like my entire body just shut down. I look over and see Eddie lying their in a pool of blood. His body ripped open and his face dripping tears, still fresh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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