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A light tickle on my face woke me up. Two warm arms were wrapped around me. Whoever woke me up should pay for it. My sleep is sacred to me. But then again. It tickled. "Stop it already" I said a bit annoyed. And snuggled into the person's chest. Moment. I live alone. I suddenly opened my eyes and jumped out of bed. I was standing in a completely unfamiliar room. How did I get here? I looked back at the bed I was lying in.

Who was the person He had brown hair- memories from yesterday came back. I instinctively grabbed my neck. Two bite marks. So it wasn't a dream or anything like that. I stood there in shock. The person slowly sat up and gave me a sleepy look. "It's 7 o'clock, come back to bed." was he serious? "No way. You-I-yesterday-bite I-I" I stutered while i tried to make a sentence. "Come down." His voice calmed me down a bit. "May I introduce myself. I'm Wilbur Soot" He looked at me expectantly. "I'm Quackity," I said. I couldn't get any more out of it.

After a long silence, I got my voice back. "So why did you just marked me like that yesterday. You didn't know me at all. " I asked. "Well, I've seen you a few times before and you're the first one that catches my eye so I snapped when you stood there drunk in front of me yesterday. I just didn't thought you are a vampire too. "He gave me a warm smile. That pissed me off. Where did he get the right to simply mark me as his partner."That just doesn't give you the right to just mark me." I said angry. "Oh, you'll get used to me. I'm not that bad either." he said. I wanted to yell at him right now, but I couldn't stay angry. I pouted and sat down in the chair next to me. I couldn't do more.

He got up and stood in front of me and looked down at me. "Oh come on you have to admit that I'm hot right?" That made me laugh. I hit him gently. "You're such an idiot" I said with sarcasm. He had to laugh too. "You're really cute!" he said. "I'm not," I said, mockingly pouting. "Yes you are!" then he started to tickle me. "HAHA-stop haha" I tried to begg under laugher. We ended up on the floor. He looked down at me with his wonderful red eyes. "I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want some of my clothes to change?" Hey asked. I nodded. He went to his closet and pulled out some clothes that were probably too big for me. He handed it to me and left the room. There was a shower in the next room. I started to shower.

After 20 minutes I was almost done when a sudden feeling came over me. What happened now? I thought for a moment.My heart was achingly weary. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. Maybe I was hungry. Arriving in the kitchen, however, Wilbur wasn't there. My heart started beating faster and faster. I started running around the house in a panic. What is wrong with me? I became more and more panicky until I finally saw him standing at the door. He was talking to someone. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in the crook of his neck. His smell calmed me down." Everything OK?" he asks. I just nodded and hugged him tighter. I don't know myself what's wrong with me.

Then I looked at the person who was talking to Wilbur earlier. It was a girl about Wilbur and my age. Black long hair hung down from her shoulders and she looked very pretty. She looked back and forth between me and Wilbur in confusion. "Anyways can I get your number maybe?" she asked Wilbur charmingly. She made me really aggressive. "Aah I'm so-" Wilbur got cut off by her. "I also got a younger sister. I'm sure she would like your brother." she said. Me and Wilbur exchanged a look before we both laughed. The girl was visibly confused. "Oh I'm very sorry. But I think there has been a misunderstanding here. ' Wilbur said to her. She just got more confused. She's so stupid. First she tries to take MY Wilbur away from me and now she wants to sell me her sister too. "We are married" I said monotonously. "You- He- Married?" She stuttered. With that I closed the door in front of her. Wilbur needed a moment to realize. He then burst out in laughter. "I didn't know you could get so jealous," he said, laughing. "Yes, yes," I said, annoyed. We went back to the kitchen. "Now let's have breakfast. Then we can talk a bit."

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