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they both fall asleep at 3:12 later at 7:15 deku phone goes off and he wakes up

Deku pov

I look at my phone. "oh it's time to get ready for class!" i look at bakugo and shakes him to get up "kachaan it's time to get up for breakfast!" Bakugou wakes up "hm?, Okay I'm up" bakugou sits up on his bed a little. "ima go back to my room okay I'll see you when we go to breakfast right?" I smile at him "hm yeah" i leave out his window to my room to see uaraka in my room "I- uraraka!? What are you doing here!?" I look at uraraka confused. "I was looking for you but why are you coming from your window" uraraka asks me "because something fell out my window and I had to get it" oh okay well get ready hurry we are going to the lounge and wait for you. "okay uaraka!!" Uaraka leaves to the lounge "heh anyways let me change and brush my teeth and fix my hair a little" after all that i leaves to see kiri and bakugo my expression changes really quickly as i see kiri kiss him on the cheek "calm down he doesn't like him anyways i think to myself. i go and walks up to them. "hey guys kiri, kachaan" i put a big smile as my eyes glared at the fact that kiri nasty hands was all over him "oh hey midobro!" Kiri waves at me as i try to smile even tho looking at him just makes my blood boil. "h-hey deku" bakugou hesitates as he think abt what happened last night "well i wish I can chat with y'all but uaraka and some others are waiting for me- bye guys! * leaves to the lounge* "finally your here!" Uraraka gets up "good morning midoriya" iida says "yeah good morning" todoroki says looking deku "morning guys let's go to the cafeteria now!" Deku says rushing to the cafeteria to eat. They all goto the cafeteria *cafeteria in the line* "ooo that looks yummy look!" Uraraka looks at the food and points "yes yes very yummy!" Deku smiles "move it nerd" bakugou says "AHHH-" i back up being startled. "I didn't know bakuhoe was that scary" todoroki looks at bakugou and deku "SHUT THE FUCK UP ICEY HOT" "come on let me help you deku" Uraraka helps me up "thanks uaraka!" "I wanna eat can y'all hurry up-!" Denki says wanting to eat
"calm down denki you'll eat-" kiri looks at denki "anyways Kachaan wanna with us today? Mina is going to sit with us too" deku saids trying to hold his blush "yeah whatever" bakugou looks at his squad "hey extras! y'all wanna sit with deku and the other extras ?" "sure babe!" Kiri saids and im already tired of kiri calling bakugou babe "okay" denki says wanting to eat "I already planned on it✨" mina had already set her plans inhead of time "suree" jirou nods. After everyone gets there food and sits down

3rd person pov

Seating: Tsu sits beside Todoroki, todoroki sits beside Iida, Iida sits beside Uaraka, uaraka sits beside deku, deku sits beside bakugo and kiri sits across from bakugo and mina sits across from deku and denki sits across from uaraka and jiro sits across from Iida and then tsu moves to across from todoroki. "we have another A test mr. Aizawa is gonna give us today 😭" uraraka hates tests "see this is why I told you guys to go to sleep at the time that I did 😄" iida is proud off himself "we are continuing the same thing Tonight!"mina say in excitement. "only if we don't have a major test tomorrow" iida say "yeah whatever" mina was planning to do it even if they did have a big test "so how was your sleep last night babe?" everyone at the table looks at kirishima, Bakugo and deku. little does he know deku thinks to himself. O-oh u-uhm i-it was good I couldn't really couldn't s-sleep bakugou studders thinking about last night with him and deku "oh you have called me and I would've came to your dorm!" Kiri smiles "yeah .." "yall should kiss!!" Denki says "yeah kiss!" Jirou is curious. Todoroki, Tsu, Iida, Uaraka and mina looks at deku and deku with a mad expression on his face staring at denki. "i erm.. have to go to the bathroom! Deku gets up and throws his food away and goes to the bathroom" oh no deku..! Uraraka think "uhm I have to go as well" uraraka gets up. I have to hurry up to deku uraraka thinks again uraraka rushes out to deku. "did he leave because-" mina cuts todoroki off "yeah I still feel terrible for it..!" Mina feels rlly sorry. "whats wrong with midobro?" "erm he likes me.." Bakugou says quietly. Everyone looks at bakugo and there mouth drop except kirishima that is froze for hearing that "YOU KNEW AND DIDNT TELL ANYBODY!?" Mina yells. "I geuss he really isn't as dumb for figuring things out I thought" todoroki is stunned "is that why he left because of what denki said-"kiri says "I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE- denki gets up and rushes out the cafeteria" "breakfast is over let's just throw our food away" iida says. Everyone is still in shock about everything while throwing there food away and meanwhile with deku. Deku runs to the bathroom then trips over his shoe lace. did denki have to say that really ugh ik kachaan doesn't like him but it still hurts knowing that there actually gonna kiss hug cuddle and everything I want to do with kachaan publicly I should've confessed earlier and we would have been together!" Deku thinks to himself. Deku punches the wall but it doesn't break. He drop to the floor and starts crying even more than before. Uraraka sees deku crying,Uraraka runs up to deku "DEKU! Are you ok!? "I'm fine, I just.. I couldn't see them together especially while I'm sitting right there." Deku says "I understand I wouldn't be able to stand it either but crying isn't a good way to help yourself feel better okay?" "yeah" deku wipes his face "thanks Uaraka" Denki is looking for uaraka and deku until he spots them in the hallway "midorya!" Deku gives denki the death stare "i-i-I'm s-sorry i didn't know u liked bakugo I wouldn't have said that if I knew I'm sorry i won't ever say that near you again!" "yeah uhm thanks I'm fine now thanks to Uaraka" deku smiles at Uaraka and uaraka smiles back and puts her hand behind on her neck. Everyone goes out of the cafeteria and sees deku and Uaraka smiling at each other "although you and Uaraka would be a good couple don't u think?" Denki says before it gets weird "YES IZUOCHA IS A GOOD SHIP NAME!!" Mina says excitedly "Uaraka is mines. *ribbit*" Everyone turns to look at Tsu "what?" "yeah uhm me and tsu have been dating for a month now.." deku hugs Uaraka "I KNEW U WAS GAY!" "well now that we are announcing things me and Iida are dating" todoroki says outloud "okay I have an announcement too! Me and shinso are dating aswell" denki says as he has been wanting to say for a lil min now "me and momo are dating too" jirou says "SO MUCH TEA I CANT HANDLE" mina feels like she is abt to faint "why did y'all wait to tell us all this-" deku says
"all the same reasons?" Mina questioned then Everyone shakes there head "okay its time for class" iida says pointing to class 1A door Everyone goes to class *time skip forward to the middle of class* "I'm going to the bathroom momo, Iida y'all know what I expect" mr. Aiziwa says "yes mr. Aiziwa !" Momo and iida says "I should apologize for earlier I mean it was also dunce face fault and he probably apologize but atleast we didn't kiss 😅 I'll write him a letter but I mean he does sit right behind me but I don't wanna make it suspicious so I'll give it to jiro then tell jiro to tell sero to give it to deku and make sure kiri isn't looking at me bakugou thinks *writes the paper and gives it to jirou* "do I open it or?" "no just read the top dumbass" "language bakugou!" "yeah whatever" jirou reads the top "give to sero and tell him to give to midoriya. Jirou turns around
"hey sero" "yeah what you need jirou" "give this to midoriya" "oh okay" sero takes the paper "hey midoriya!" "oh yeah sero what u need?" "jirou told me to give you this" "oh okay thanks" deku at jirou. Jirou points at bakugou
"oh okay thanks !" Deku looks at bakugou and blushes* okay let me read this... the note says: "hey deku baby look I'm sorry for what happened at the cafeteria I had no idea denki was gonna say that and luckily you helped me not get a kiss from kirishima and we can make out tonight hm my love? I'll try my best to ignore my first kiss from kirishima until I have it with you okay? I love you deku

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