Chapter 1

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Marco's POV

I open my computer and make a decision I normally wouldn't. But, what's the point in feeling something if you can't at least write it down? My hand guides me to a web link. Should I really? ...I can't lose anything. I log on to click something but something else catches my eye. I squint my eyes and bring a hoodie string to my mouth, resting it between my teeth. "Hm," I hum as my eyes skim the words. 

I just got back with my ex but it just doesn't feel right. 

I know what everyone is gonna say. "Why would you get back with your ex?" Well, I've been trying to win her over for so long and now I've gone and completely changed myself. It's for the good but I can't help but feel it could have been the wrong thing? I know I'm probably being "irrational" but it really doesn't feel like she's into it. Like shes distracted by something— or someone. I just can't get over this until I have some sort of comfort and I don't think I can talk to her so... don't be an asshole. I need some help. 


Huh. That's ...interesting. To say the very least. I move the string around before hitting the comment button.

@ RedHotChiliPepper666  

I don't think I understand your situation but I think we are both having girl problems. You see, I've been really depressed lately because my crush started dating her ex again. It's really messed me up, so DM me if you think we should talk?


I smiled to myself as I closed my laptop. Maybe I had just made a new friend? Maybe I shouldn't jump so far ahead but still. Maybe talking to someone doesn't sound so bad after all... I yawn and took the string out of my mouth. Stretching, I get out of my chair and unzip my jacket. I plop down on my bed as I slowly fall asleep. 

"Mh..." I groan. So hot... My eyes flutter open and I sit up, turning off the alarm. For some reason... I really want to check that post. I throw my legs off the side of the bed as I sit up. I take the computer in my hands and smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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