Chapter 1

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It was a regular day in Hawkins, Indiana. Mike Wheeler and his friends were riding their bikes to the arcade while Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington would work at the local video store. Everytime Steve would see a girl that was cute or had a good taste in movies he would help her out. Robin would just watch Steve help out. No matter how many times he tried Steve never got himself a date and Robin would always make jokes about it. "God Steve either you suck at flirting, or nobody is interested in you." said the girl in a playful voice, while Steve gave her a deadpanned laugh.

They both heard the store door open, when they turned around they saw Nancy Wheeler. "Welcome Nance!!!" Steve said while he hopped the counter to greet her. Nancy gave him a warm smile and moved towards the counter. Robin watched Nancy's every move. "Hey Robin" Nancy said with a sweet smile. Robin was already a hot mess just by looking at Nancy. "H- hi N- nancy" the short haired girl said. Steve smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand after hearing Robin stuttering. "Do you know where they have Back to the Future?" Robin immediately hopped the counter and ran to get the shorter girl the movie while Steve and Nancy made small talk. Once Robin came back with the movie she checked it out for Nancy. "It's on the house, don't worry about paying it, I already did." she said while handing Nancy the movie with a warm smile. Nancy was shocked yet content that Robin did that. Robin's smile made Nancy's heartbeat accelerate by A LOT.

Before Nancy left she asked Robin if she wanted to hang out later at her house. Robin was beaming with joy after hearing that, but before she could answer, Steve interrupted. "Nancy didn't your brother tell you that we're all coming over later?" Nancy replied with "Oh shoot you're right, thanks for reminding me." "Well I will see you both later." Before she could walk out, Robin called her name. "Yes?" asked Nancy. "Can I bring blankets and snacks?" Robin said in a low shy raspy voice. Nancy gave a nod and gave a Robin such a cute smile, then she walked out. Robin was hypnotized by that smile until Steve snapped his fingers at her. Robin ran to the window to watch Nancy leave.

its about time~ RonanceWhere stories live. Discover now