part 1

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Castiel woke up, something he thought would never be happening yet here we are. You see he had been staying with the Winchesters since they had found him homeless and getting tortured by a reaper and in return for letting him stay at the bunker, he has been helping dean with the whole angel possessed Sam situation. It's been very stressful trying to figure out how to be a human, like the other morning while making himself food castiel cut his hand and couldn't just heal it so he just sat there and let it bleed while he finished cooking which in turn got blood all in his food. It was extremely gross according to Dean. In the end, sam was the one to help Castiel clean everything up. living with them has been fun otherwise.

You see today was the day that Cas and Dean go out and run some arrenerrand which Dean highly protested however Sam made a good point that Castiel needed to get out and "stretch his legs" even if it was just for a short amount of time. so with that cas got out of Deans bed.. You see he has been having some pretty horrific nightmares of some of the things he did as an angel ever since he became a human so, most nights he makes his way into Dean's room so they can talk for a bit until they both ultimately fall asleep. It really is nothing more. He began his walk back to his room to get ready for the day when he runs into sam whilest walking down the hallway "Hello, Good morning Sam." this confused Sam seeing as Castiel was coming from Deans room. "um good morning cas.." with that Castiel nodded and made his way away from the awkward situation. after making it to the safety of his room Castiel began to get dressed into an outfit that wasn't a trench coat, blue tie, and slacks. He will never be able to get used to dressing casual. He misses the flair his old clothing used to have and sadly flannel does not look as good on him as it does the Winchesters.

  After getting dressed Castiel looked in the mirror that was perched on his door. The rlization that he needed a haircut hit him. He just didn't look like himself, he looked like an off brand winchester. But enough of these self depricating thoughts he needed to eat something. Castiel made his way to the kitchen only to find that Dean had also woken up and was speaking to Sam, "no sam" He seemed agitated by something "look that's not something 'Just friends' do Dean" sam retorted. with that Castiel stepped into the room seemingly only making the tense and awkward situation worse. "hey cas I made you some bacon but we gotta meet charlie in about an hour so I suggest you eat quickly." Castiel nodded and sat down trying to eat as quickly as he could. By the time he was done Dean was already out of the kitchen and packing a bag just in case things took an unexpected turn like they almost always do. Cas took that as his sign to walk to the garage, once there he waited for Dean to join him. Once Dean entered the large room they hopped in the Impala and began to drive.

  "so where are we going ?" Castiel pondered from the passenger seat, Dean responded "like I said we're meeting with charlie so she can hopefully come up with ideas for tech matinence for the bunker." Castiel nodded and then the car fell into an akward silence for the rest of the drive. You see things have been slightly off between Castiel and Dean, and. Cas didn't understand it all. He knew he didn't like it and he knew he missed missed the strange normalcy their friendship used to have that he had grown used to. He misses everything that was when he was angel. He doesn't miss the powers as much as he misses himself, being human has made him kind of lost and apparently that has also caused a change between him and Dean as everthing else. As cas' thoughts came to a close they had arrived to a shoty diner in the middle of no where, which is where they were meeting Charlie. As Cas began to open the pssenger side door and step out a sleek moter cycle pulled into the diner parking lot and pulled up and parked right next to the Impala. At this the person seated on it began to take their helmet off, it was charlie. All Castiel could only think how shocked Dean must be at her dramatic entrance and by the looks of it that was the case. Dean just stared shocked as Charlie walked by muttering a quick "well you gonna just stand there and stare." Castiel took this as a sign that he had impolitly staring as well so he grabbed Dean by the arm and dragged him into the tiny diner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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