Chapter Twenty Six

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On our way to work, I get to hold Christina's hand most of the time. I can get used to this.

When I park, I turn to see her getting all her things and reaching for the door handle.

"I think you are forgetting something", I say to her.

"I am?", she says, checking all the bags she has.

I laugh. "I meant a goodbye kiss"

"Oh", she says, turning back to face. "Still getting used to this new routine".

I was planning for a quick kiss, anyone could see us parked here. But I guess there is no such thing when it comes to kissing Christina. I can get used to this for sure.

Walking inside the building, we meet more people I haven't seen since before going to the World Cup. They all try to tiptoe around my defeat. I can't wait for this tournament to be over.

"Are you walking me to the office again?", asks Christina with a smirk.


"Oh, what a gentleman!"

"Yeah, it's not selfish at all. Not thinking about maybe getting to steal another kiss from you", I tell her, returning the smirk.

"Hi, lovebirds!", I hear Kirby say. I guess no stolen kisses today, then.

"Morning, Kirby", says Christina. "Can we have our coffee break together today? I have something for you".

"Intriguing. And sure, but you'll have to come to my office. I'm so busy today".

"Can do".

I all of a sudden feel a bit out of place.

"Emmm, I'll go to the gym. See you later?", I say, making Christina turn to look at me.


When I get further away from her, I text her.

"Sorry about that. I just don't know how to act in front of Kirby without giving it all away. I'll visit your office before going home, ok? Maybe get that kiss? 😉😉"

A few more of the boys are back from Qatar. All disappointed and upset about their exit. I really can't wait for the Premier League to be back.


"That was weird", says Kirby, saying out loud the same I was thinking.

"Yeah", I say before noticing my phone buzzing. I read Rúben's text and smile.

"Do you think it was the lovebirds comment that upset him? I was just joking. I don't want to make any of you uncomfortable", she asks me, worried.

"It's fine, Kirby. Don't worry about it. He's still weird after the WC, you know?", back to the white lies. Sigh.

After getting some work done, I go grab some coffee for me and Kirby.

"Coffee delivery!!", I say, walking inside her office.

"I love you. Gimme gimme!"

"Well, you are going to love me a lot, because I got you cake too", I say, getting my Tupperware out of my back.

"That's homemade! Did you bake a cake for me?"

I laugh. "No, you wouldn't want to eat anything I bake. Rúben baked a cake for me, and because he won't eat more than a tiny piece, I thought I would share it with you", I say, placing the cake and fork in front of her.

"Rúben baked you a cake", she says, wide-eyed.


"If a man like Rúben baked me a cake, I'd be on my knees before he had time to get the bloody thing out of the oven", she says seriously, making me choke on my coffee.

"You don't even get how lucky you are", she says with a sigh.

Oh, but I do.

When she takes a bite, her eyes get even wider. "This is so good! What type of cake is it?"

"I don't know. A Portuguese recipe apparently", I say with a shrug.

She just stares at me.

"What?", I say.

"I hate you. And every day that passes that you don't sleep with him, I hate you even more".

I just shake my head. Trying to control my smirk.


By 5 pm I'm tired and ready to go home. I hear a knock on the door and tell the person behind it to come in.

"Rúben? What are you doing here?", I say, surprised. "You left hours ago".

"Yeah", he says, closing the door behind him, "and now I'm back to drive you home".

I shake my head. "You don't have to do that".

"I want to, though", he says, kneeling next to my chair so we are at eye level. "Hi", he says in a low voice.

"Hi", I say back, big smile on my face.

My hand touches his cheek while I lean forward to kiss him. Every time I kiss him, it feels different. In the best way possible.

"Are you done with work?", he says after breaking the kiss.

"Almost", I sigh. "Give me maybe 15 more minutes and I'll be all yours".

"Ok", he says, giving my lips a quick peck. "Can I stay here?"

"Sure. Just don't try to distract me or we'll never leave".

"I'll be on my best behaviour", he says, raising his hands.

And he keeps his promise. I carry on finishing the few things left on my to-do list while Rúben is sprawled on my sofa scrolling on his phone. I mean, it's distracting, but I don't think he is doing it on purpose.

The door opens suddenly and Kirby gets into the office without knocking. We've gotten too used to doing that and with Rúben planning on spending time here...yeah, we might need to talk about this.

"Hey, you ready...hi! I didn't expect a Rúben Dias here".

"Hi Kirby", he says, sitting up.

"You look cosy", she says, raising an eyebrow.

"Just waiting for Christina to be done with work so I can drive her home".

"Aren't you sweet!!", she says, making Rúben look away. Is he going to blush? "But I thought you were coming to the pub with us, Chris".

"I was?", I say, remembering our plans all of a sudden. "Oh shit, that's right. I totally forgot".

"That's ok", says Kirby. "You can come too, Rúben".

"To the pub? What are you doing? Friday drinks?", he asks her.

"No, we are going to watch the match. You know, c'mon England!!"

I laugh at that.

"Right, ummm...I think I'll pass", says Ruben, looking really upset. "Not really in the mood to watch the match, you know?"

I wish I could go and hug him right now.

"Of course", says Kirby realising her mistake. "You still coming, Chris?"

"Sure! I'll meet you there. I had to go home to get changed anyways".

"See you there!!", she tells me. "And see you on Monday?", she tells Rúben.

"You will".

Once she's gone, I go to the sofa to sit with him.

"You ok?", I tell him, putting my arms around his waist and my head on his shoulder. God, I missed him.

"I am", he says, kissing my head. "I'll miss you tonight, though".

"I won't be back too late", I say looking up at him.

"I'll wait up for you then", he says with a wink.

"You better".

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora